Gloria.TV News on the 29th of April 2015 Ready: Pope Francis’ environmental encyclical is already being translated from the Latin final draft according to Andrew Revkin writing on his blog. Quote: “…More
Gloria.TV News on the 29th of April 2015
Ready: Pope Francis’ environmental encyclical is already being translated from the Latin final draft according to Andrew Revkin writing on his blog. Quote: “There’s not much need for interpretation, given the clarity in Vatican signals about what’s in the encyclical.” Revkin lists: the care for creation, integral human development (whatever this is) and concern for the poor.
Ideological Cake: American Father Marcel Guarnizo has published an article on cnsnews.com under the title: “Radical homosexuals want to have their ‘ideological cake’ and make you eat it too.” About bakeries who are forced in the U.S. to produce cakes designed for homosex pseudo-marriages Guarnizo states: “The ‘homosexual cake,’ is not just a cake, it is an ideological statement, and here the vendor must decide if he wants to engage or participate in an ideological statement.”
Earthquake: On April 14th, the general of the Jesuits fired the rector of the famous Pontifical Oriental …More
Francesco Federico
Thanks for the news ;
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