
Bishop Zanchetta Has Left Prison

Former Orán Bishop and Francis’ friend Gustavo Zanchetta was taken to the San Vicente de Paul Hospital a few days ago (InformaTeSalta.com, June 7).

The reason for the admission – hypertension – was ruled out by the hospital, so Zanchetta returned to prison.

However, last Friday, with a large deployment of prison staff, Zanchetta was transferred to the Orán’s private Mayo Clinic where he will remain “for a long time” – again for hypertension and a “very delicate” kidney disease already diagnosed in Rome.

According to Pagina12.com.ar (June 7) Zanchetta could collapse at any time. He has asked to serve his sentence at the Nuestra Señora del Valle House of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception which was built as a residence for elderly priests but is presently empty.

The authorisation to receive Zanchetta came from Orán Bishop Luis Scozzina at the orders of Francis, an ex-seminarian told Pagina12.com.ar. Therefore, the ecclesiastical trial against Zanchetta will likely go nowhere.


This probably causes Francis agony to see his fave creepy underling suffer.
Wilma Lopez
Curxnow.com reports today on Zanchetta's health. But there is no mention of the fact that the Vatican was lying its head off about not knowing about sex allegations. Below is PillarCatholic in comparison.