
Poland's New Cardinal: Francis’ Critics "Completely Unjust"

Łódź Cardinal Gregorz Ryś, 59, Poland, member of the ex-synod, wants to follow and obey Francis and his teaching, “He’s Peter, not me” (AmericaMagazine.org, October 10).

Opposition towards Francis is “completely unjust” and “always based on one or two phrases taken out of context,”

He repeats, “It is completely unjust how we treat Francis in our discussion.”

One of Ryś's points is worth considering, “It often takes a form of opposition between Francis and John Paul II, or Francis and Benedict.” But Ryś doesn't understand this criticism. He sees a chain of succession of the popes since John XXIII (+1962) going back to Vatican II, “This is a chain, and there’s no contradiction.”

He adds, “What we have is that each one goes deeper, but this is still the same line.”

Picture: Gregorz Ryś © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsReourfyicy

This cardinal is on the wide road to betray Jesus completely. Minds of such bishops, cardinals are controlled by evil forces by a sense, wisdom that don't give marks of real faith. Their teaching is empty because don;t give any real fruits of repentances.
la verdad prevalece
All Catholics who insist on recognizing the apostate Bergoglio as their pope have joined his war against God. They have given power to the Beast. This is how the angels who preferred to be faithful to the devil than to God became apostates.
Pope Francis' chain goes all the way back to Luther!
Tony Smith
A red hat, that is all it took for this guy to sell out Christ.
"He sees a chain of succession of the popes since John XXIII (+1962) going back to Vatican II, “This is a chain, and there’s no contradiction.”"
Of course not. The contradiction is with the previous ones. All of them.
foward except the last one who made him Cardinal and usurped Petrine Office... what logically would not have to take place if there was that "straight" line...
Paul VI did much worse things than the last one.
Boanerges Boanerges
Satanic deception of wolves in shepherds’ robes always starts with ambiguities and ends with straight out heresies. Unfortunately it sounds like he is Polish quisling, God have mercy!
Wenanty Wenanty
What does this mean „deeper” and „the same” and „Line” in the context of the sentence: “What we have is that each one goes deeper, but this is still the same line”?
Wenanty Wenanty
It looks like there are only semantical, contextual, comprehensive and voluntaristic problems in the Church. There are contextualizers who point out their adversaries as outofcontextualizers. And there are outofcontextualizers who do help those in context that their context is out of context. We could continue heading in that direction for decades. Sadly we cannot see how much destructive are our …More
It looks like there are only semantical, contextual, comprehensive and voluntaristic problems in the Church. There are contextualizers who point out their adversaries as outofcontextualizers. And there are outofcontextualizers who do help those in context that their context is out of context. We could continue heading in that direction for decades. Sadly we cannot see how much destructive are our actions within the Church. Hence there is a question about employed criteria. It might be a criteria of truth for the sake of Truth and loyalty for the sake of truth. It might be a criteria of loyalty for the sake of loyalty, which is nothing but vacuity semantically named as Holy Spirit.
You will soon discover, Your Eminence, that silence is truly a virtue.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Any Cardinal who supports the "teachings"/opinions/agenda of Pope Francis, is as much a heretic, apostate, homo lover as he is and should be ignored, just as Francis should be ignored.
A chain that goes all the way back to Vatican II, wow! Reminds me of a variation of that Protestant hymn,
“The church’s one foundation is Vatican II, Good Lord!”
Peter did not found a faith, he preserved and spread a faith which was founded on Christ. When Peter deviated from that faith, he was confronted. Francis deviates from that faith. This is not about a single phrase taken out of context. …More
A chain that goes all the way back to Vatican II, wow! Reminds me of a variation of that Protestant hymn,

“The church’s one foundation is Vatican II, Good Lord!”

Peter did not found a faith, he preserved and spread a faith which was founded on Christ. When Peter deviated from that faith, he was confronted. Francis deviates from that faith. This is not about a single phrase taken out of context. It is “his magisterium.” Heaven help him. He is obviously has mortal sins of which he has not repented. That is why he pushes for situational ethics (forbidden by the Council of Trent), insists that the Church welcome all and that God is indifferent to both faith and practice. Please pray for this man who seeks to destroy the Church Christ founded.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This "cardinal" is as worthless as Pope Francis is. "Francis deviates from that faith. This is not about a single phrase taken out of context. It is “his magisterium.”-------That is 100% true.