
Burke, “Loss Of Respect For Blessed Sacrament”

“There has been a genuine loss of respect for the Blessed Sacrament because it’s not understood that this is the Body of Christ,” Cardinal Burke told NcRegister.com (October 10) in an interview about his new book Respecting the Body and Blood of the Lord: When Holy Communion Should Be Denied.

Burke said that persons in the state of mortal sin, even if non-public, (“say they’ve committed adultery”) can receive Communion only after confession and absolution, “of course, that includes a firm purpose of amendment.”

Burke stresses that also people who are tending toward the good fall into mortal sins, “If we’re reasonably conscious individuals, we know when we’ve sinned, even if we’re trying to lie to ourselves and say, ‘Well, it’s not a sin.’”

Picture: © Joseph Shaw, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsZqlueseiws

Sally Dorman shares this
Cdl. Burke reiterates Church teaching on danger of receiving Holy Communion while in mortal sin
Jan Joseph
Kardinaal Burke heeft weer eens gelijk.
@Irishpol - exactly mate. never trusted Burke and he has a scandalous
past. Cardinal Burke's week of controversy - Catholic Herald
Yet, he refuses to condemn Vatican II and all the novelties that gave rise to the rejection of the Real Presence.
The main point of Vatican II was destroy belief in the Eucharist because that is the heart of the Church.
Jeffrey Ade
Did you see my post Res Sacramenti? They did more then just destroy belief, they destroyed the Mass!
Tony Smith
Yes, . . . the Novus Missae led to that. A logical conclusion. . . Blind Burke doesn't want to admit the obvious.
Jeffrey Ade
Did you see my post Res Sacramenti? They did more then just destroy belief, they destroyed the Mass!
Wilma Lopez
Cardinal Burke believes that “without a healthy sense of sin” and the recognition of the need for regular confession, cases of mental illness are increasing, as people believe they “can just go sailing along” in a direction of unrepented sin until they find themselves “in a terrible situation.” Cardinal Burke Publishes Book on Greater Reverence for the Eucharist
Simon North
Cardinal Burke is "just sailing along" with the attitude that he's had nothing to do with the desacralizing of the Church that has created the spiritual wasteland amidst we are presently living. If he is not shown that, he will, as St. Peter remarks (quoting Proverbs), end up "as a dog that returns to its vomit." (2 Peter 2.22)
What do we expect when people, in the words of Gloria.tv, "grab" the Eucharist?