
Francis Thinks It's Normal: “As Student, I Partied Too Much And Learned Too Little”

Francis believes he had the psychology of a "normal student," meaning “too little studying, too much walking, too many parties.” He told students of Belfast’s Queen's University (April 25, VaticanNews.va …More
Francis believes he had the psychology of a "normal student," meaning “too little studying, too much walking, too many parties.”
He told students of Belfast’s Queen's University (April 25, VaticanNews.va) that he studied chemistry, but the most important thing were his friends. No wonder, he changed from challenging chemistry to the undemanding chatter classes of theology.
Francis believes that teenage pranks are necessary because the help developing a sense of humour. Sometimes, it seems that Francis has never grown out of this age.
When confronted with people without a sense of humour, Francis doesn't know whether they are “a person or a statue or a mummy.”
Picture: Vatican Media, #newsGwsbarfkps
That moment when you realize Francis is talking about his years as a student in the seminary. ;-)
that shows
Ursula Sankt
“I, John… found myself on the island of Patmos…because I proclaimed God’s word and gave testimony to Jesus” - Rev. 1:9 John was exiled, yet it didn’t keep him from preaching and giving witness to Jesus Christ. The world is still scared of the only name that can save anyone.