
Evil Vaccine: Bishop Refuses to Use Murdered Children

“All the political posturing on vaccines is truly disgusting," Tyler Bishop Joseph Strickland wrote again on Twitter.com (January 22),

“The fact remains that ANY vaccine available today involves using murdered children before they could even be born.” Therefore, Strickland renews his pledge, “I will not extend my life by USING murdered children. This is evil WAKE UP!”

There is no proof that the Covid-19 vaccines intend to "extend life" or have the capacity to do so. In any case, Strickland is one of the few vaccine resistance bishops.

Francis, the Pontifical Academy for Life, most Bishops’ Conferences and "Catholic" Bioethics Centers claim that the use of vaccines developed with fetal cell lines is not only licit but "morally good."


Pope Innocent lll
"Therefore, Strickland renews his pledge, “I will not extend my life by USING murdered children. This is evil WAKE UP!”
Good job of the news writers for pointing out: "There is no proof that the Covid-19 vaccines intend to "extend life" or have the capacity to do so."
There is mucho misinformation and deceit these days. Wowza!
you can change "extend" for protection or whatever you want. It is irrelevant. This diabolical vaccine comes from the aborted children regardless how one will spin it. This is evil.
Besides moral problem noone knows if this is really protect against covid. How long person will have antibody against covid? What are side effects. In Norway 23 people died of it already.
Pope Innocent lll
@Franek99 You missed my point. This bishop is falsely stating that this vaccine will extend a person's life.
As you point out, "What are side effects. In Norway 23 people died of it already."
- The peace of Christ to you, brother.
got it