
Francis: "All Baptised" Are of God - And the Old Rite Catholics?

Francis wrote in a recent homily that "all baptised" are grafted like branches onto the vine which is Christ.

Evidently, Francis himself doesn't believe this, otherwise the Vatican would not treat Old Rite Catholics like outcasts. Francis went on alleging that prayer leads us to grow in love for "all" those who follow Jesus, "regardless of the Christian communion to which they may belong."

He explained that "even though they may not be ‘one of ours’, they are his.” This implies that Christ's Church is only a human invention which is irrelevant for "Him."

Francis called the "Holy Spirit" the “architect of the ecumenical journey” which makes Francis experience “unity which comes from addressing God with one voice.” In reality, ecumenical events are superficial show performances which produce widespread religious indifference among the faithful.

The homily was read at the vespers which Cardinal Kurt Koch presided for the end of Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in Saint Paul Outside the Walls Basilica. This service ended with a common "blessing" imparted by Cardinal Koch, Atanasie Rusnac (Romanian Orthodox) and Ian Ernest (Anglican).


"regardless of the Christian communion to which they may belong." -Pope Francis kissing up to the Lutherans again.
"He explained that "even though they may not be ‘one of ours’, they are his.”
The Catechism Of The Catholic Church contradicts his opinion. (CCC 846)
"Outside the Church there is no salvation" How are we to understand this affirmation, often repeated by the Church Fathers? Re-formulated …More
"regardless of the Christian communion to which they may belong." -Pope Francis kissing up to the Lutherans again.

"He explained that "even though they may not be ‘one of ours’, they are his.”

The Catechism Of The Catholic Church contradicts his opinion. (CCC 846)
"Outside the Church there is no salvation" How are we to understand this affirmation, often repeated by the Church Fathers? Re-formulated positively, it means that all salvation comes from Christ the Head through the Church which is his Body...
Louis IX
He just makes it up as he goes along. “If it sounds good say it” seems to be his motto without really considering the meaning of his words.
Child of Our Lady
Our Lord, The Council of Florence & the Catechism says something different. I wonder who I will believe.
So heretical sects are ingrafted into the Vine that is Christ?