
It’s a “Myth” that Catholic West Was Indebted to Islam

Widespread claims that Medieval Catholic Europe received its knowledge from “Islamic culture” in the 11th to the 12th century, are wrong, Agostino Nobile stresses on MarcoTosatti.com (February 27). …More
Widespread claims that Medieval Catholic Europe received its knowledge from “Islamic culture” in the 11th to the 12th century, are wrong, Agostino Nobile stresses on MarcoTosatti.com (February 27).
The Arab script was invented by Christian Arabs. They continued the Greek tradition and were the architects of the Arab rebirth of the 10th century.
Christian translators enriched the technical Arabic lexicon.
Architecture as well as the sciences were developed and run by Christians and Jews in both Islamicized countries and Islamic occupied European territories.
In Spain, the Moorish arch appeared a century before the Islamic invasion. The Alhambra in Granada was built by Christian and Jewish architects.
Between the 17th and 18th centuries, the Maronite bishop Germânos Farhât formed a team of Christian literati who deeply renewed the Arabic language.
Picture: Wikicommons, CC-BY-SA
These "widespread claims" are invariably from anti-Christian leftist academics who re-write history and eliminate any postive contribution to history from Western countries.
These are things that are beyond my range of knowledge.