
Politician Marx: Church for Christians Is a "Heresy"

"A Church for itself, that is a heresy," said Cardinal Reinhard Marx at a conference in Tutzing, according to Katholisch.de (9 July).

"Only a community that says we are here for everyone, only such a church can have political relevance." For Marx, the "core of Christianity" is that all people are brothers and sisters.

Marx's words are empty talk. The German Church is no longer even capable of being a home for Catholics, let alone for others. In 2022 alone, 500K Catholics have left Marx's brotherhood church.


Funny how the heretics accuse the Church of heresy . What else is new?
Louis IX
Does this guy even read Scripture?
yes. Satan's scripture
Simon North
He believes, like all Modernist heretics, that Holy Scripture was the "Holy Spirit's inspiration" to Christian "communities" that reflected the "best thinking" about God for their time. "Living Tradition" provides the Christian community throughout history with the opportunity to evolve its concept of Our Lord and His Church (as the Holy Spirit "unfolds" and "inspires" this evolution).