Müller: Francis’ Church More Divided Than Ever

Francis' homosexual propaganda piece "Sodoma Supplicans" is a "failed project" and needs to be rewritten in a clear, Catholic way, Cardinal Gerhard Müller told Raymond Arroyo, EWTN.com (25 January …More
Francis' homosexual propaganda piece "Sodoma Supplicans" is a "failed project" and needs to be rewritten in a clear, Catholic way, Cardinal Gerhard Müller told Raymond Arroyo, EWTN.com (25 January video, below).
Christ and his cross are the ways of salvation and "not just a good will" or "the Freemasons who talk about brotherhood."
There is no salvation "without commitment, without conversion, without changing one's life and without imitating Jesus Christ", he stated.
The Cardinal observes that the Church is "more divided than ever" because of the text Sodoma Supplicans and that the African bishops will be leading in correcting this text.
He argues that this is not due to a "different culture" in Africa [since sin is the same boring evil everywhere] but that Sodoma Supplicans reflects the "decadence of the West". He dreams of "Africans taking over the leadership of the Catholic Church".
The fact that invalid Anglican ceremonies take place in Catholic churches while the Roman Mass is …More
I meant the face as a protest to the person who vilified Cardinal Muller. Cardinal Muller has been an untiring proponent of the truth, and a true crusader fighting for the true Catholic Church.
Margaret Emery
In October 2019 Cardinal Muller formally participated in an Anglican service at an Anglican Church in Oxford. How is that OK?
Canonisation of St John Henry Newman – The Newman SocietyMore
In October 2019 Cardinal Muller formally participated in an Anglican service at an Anglican Church in Oxford. How is that OK?

Canonisation of St John Henry Newman – The Newman Society
Tony M
The problem is not the division....which must occur...... when scandalous heresy, apostasy & defiance of God's Commandments takes place at all levels of the Church, right up to the very top ......the problem is heresy, apostasy & defiance of God's Commandments.....which results in the loss of millions of souls in Hell for all eternity!!!
Tony M
“Suppose ye that I have come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division. For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three" (Luke 12:51-52).
Opera 369
....Also thanks to you Mons. Muller: you are part of the confusion. You disapprove of Francis in every way, yet you stubbornly call him 'pope' when you know for sure he's not!
Cardinal Müller is in a way part of the confusion (trying to be not too hard with him here), and I don't think he believes that Francis has never been a Pope.
So Müller needs a special event to declare Francis officially separated from the Church. He would certainly prefer a group action—something that packs a punch.
Maybe he's preparing the way with his multiple public declarations.More
Cardinal Müller is in a way part of the confusion (trying to be not too hard with him here), and I don't think he believes that Francis has never been a Pope.

So Müller needs a special event to declare Francis officially separated from the Church. He would certainly prefer a group action—something that packs a punch.

Maybe he's preparing the way with his multiple public declarations.