Buenos Aires Cathedral: Supper Theology Leads to Snack Bar Cathedral

Monsignor Jorge García Cuerva, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina, has turned his cathedral into a snack bar.

There are many soup kitchens in the centre of Buenos Aires that feed hundreds of people every night. So there is no need for a snack bar in the cathedral. Nor would it make sense to turn a soup kitchen into a cathedral, as this would deprive the soup kitchen's clients of their food.

After different versions of the event circulated online, the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires issued a statement:

"We would like to inform you that in the framework of the Week of Charity, on the eve of the annual collection for 'Caritas', last Tuesday, June 4, a meeting of pastoral agents who accompany people in street situations was held in the Metropolitan Cathedral."

In the early days of the Church, when the widows of Greek-speaking Jews were overlooked in the daily distribution of food, the Twelve Apostles appointed deacons to look after the poor.

They argued that "it is not desirable that we should neglect the word of God in order to serve the tables", since "we will devote ourselves to prayer and the ministry of the word".

This is written in Acts 6:1-6. But one cannot expect a bishop to know the Bible.

Christopher Shahrazade
Maybe next week they will be serving pizza.
The Lord is making a knotted cord for that priest.
….and has a divine Foot ready to overturn those tables and kick that Archbishop’s backside too. Just like He did with the criminal moneychangers in the Temple.
Christopher Shahrazade
Absolutely sick, no wonder not many (like me) go to the VAtican II Mass.
I bet the all the other false prophets and the big one: false Francis are happy as they dont believe.
Boanerges Boanerges
This is preparation to throw God out of His churches. Bergoglio chose this cathedral to make an example. Satanic humanism is replacing Christianity in the wake of antichrists public appearance
Father Karl A Claver
This is disgusting. Cueva is a pagan, who has lost his Catholic faith. He will be judged before the throne of Almighty God for all the souls he caused to lose the faith.