INAUGURATION OF THE "FAITH PAVILION COP28" - Greeting of Pope Francis read by Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin - Dubai, 3 December 2023 - Related: 1. The Paul VI Hall in the Vatican is …More
INAUGURATION OF THE "FAITH PAVILION COP28" - Greeting of Pope Francis read by Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin - Dubai, 3 December 2023 - Related: 1. The Paul VI Hall in the Vatican is Diabolical. - 2. The Vatican promotes apostasy and a global religion - 3. "2013-2022: Nine Years With Francis" - 4. DIEZ AÑOS CON FRANCISCO. - In Spanish: EL VATICANO FOMENTA LA RELIGIÓN DE LA HUMANIDAD.
I have the honour to read the Greeting that His Holiness Pope Francis prepared for this occasion:
Your Highness, Mr Secretary-General, Dear brothers and sisters!
I would like to thank Dr Ahmad Al-Tayyeb, Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, who has assured me of his closeness, the Muslim Council of Elders, whom I met a year ago, the United Nations Environment Programme, and all the partners who organized and supported this Faith Pavilion. It is the first of its kind at the heart of a COP, and it shows that all authentic religious beliefs are a source of encounter and action.
Above all, encounter. It …More
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Heresy for the CAtholic church.