
Slavery: The-White-Man-Is-Guilty Lie

Italian writer Silvana de Mari published an article about slavery on SilvanaDeMariCommunity.it (August 9). Highlights

• Black African slaves owned by white Christians were by far the least common and least cruel type of slavery.

• Papal Bulls were the first documents to condemn slavery.

• Trafficking of black Africans by the Arab-Muslims began in the 7th century, and officially ended in the 20th century. It caused seventeen million victims.

• In Islamic countries slaves could not marry, not have children, were often castrated, and survived for an average of seven years. The castration process was often fatal.

• As late as 1985, the Bishop of Khartoum bought black children for $50 each to save them from their fate as slaves on the routes to the east.

• In 1990 in Cairo, 54 foreign ministers meeting in the Organisation of the Islamic Conference recommended that slaves should be treated humanly.

• The glorious battles of Lepanto and Vienna ended the Islamic trade of European slaves abducted along the southern shores of the Mediterranean.

• Today, those who abolished slavery are presented as the sole culprits (“the white race is guilty”).

• Slavery was and is practised on a large scale by African peoples.

• The 2008 book Le génocide voilé ("The Hidden Genocide") by the French-Senegalese historian Tidiane N'Diaye, which reveals the facts, was quickly pushed to the side.

• The Atlantic slave trade slave generated 70 million descendants. The Arab trade led them to die in slavery with no descendants...


The photograph depicts a color illustration entitled “Christians in Slavery” from an 1817 book with the very long title “Algiers: Being a Complete Picture of the Barbary States, their Government, Laws, religion, & Natural Productions, & Containing a Sketch of their Various Revolutions, a Description of the Domestic Manners & Customs of the Moors, Arabs, & Turks; an Account of the Four Great Capitals …More
The photograph depicts a color illustration entitled “Christians in Slavery” from an 1817 book with the very long title “Algiers: Being a Complete Picture of the Barbary States, their Government, Laws, religion, & Natural Productions, & Containing a Sketch of their Various Revolutions, a Description of the Domestic Manners & Customs of the Moors, Arabs, & Turks; an Account of the Four Great Capitals of Algiers, Tripoli, Tunis, & Morocco, & a Narrative of the Various Attacks upon Algiers, by the European States; Including a Faithful Detail of the Late Glorious Victory of Lord Exmouth,” which was written by one G.A. Jackson, Esq.
Jo Santoss
What about the 300,000+ white Irish slaves no one ever talks about. Sold into slavery when they couldn't pay (stolen land) rent, or refused to stop speaking their native language. Or some other trumped up charge to sell them into slavery to the middle east, Indonesia, africa even the US. A purposefully inconvenient forgotten history.
but those europeans they get all the blame .iam not defending slavery at all ,i believe no man should make another man a slave ,i believe that there is different time of slavery today ,starting in the industry of prostituion of women ,girls and boys ,but the world is blind to it
la verdad prevalece
In Conclusion the Egyptians, the Muslims, and other pagan governments were responsible for Slavery.
Mary Patricia Schwarz shares this
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Who organised most of the slave trade? It is not said
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Arab slave traders from Arabia, Egypt and Muslim countries from 12th to 20th centuries rounded up black Africans as slaves from remote villages and herded them onto ships, or marched in long caravans to Islamic kingdoms, or, until the early 1800's, rounded them up and sold them to European/American slavers bound for the USA or Latin America.
The Turkish Ottoman Empire imported slaves into Istanbul …More
Arab slave traders from Arabia, Egypt and Muslim countries from 12th to 20th centuries rounded up black Africans as slaves from remote villages and herded them onto ships, or marched in long caravans to Islamic kingdoms, or, until the early 1800's, rounded them up and sold them to European/American slavers bound for the USA or Latin America.
The Turkish Ottoman Empire imported slaves into Istanbul from EAstern European countries until the early 19th centuries, mostly from Albania,Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia,Bosnia and even Greece. These people, who were usually treated well, especially the women, were forced to convert to Islam, and the women usually lived in harems. The men became either eunuchs(subject to castration), or were trained and entered the military or Civil Service, where they could earn their freedom. One famous former harem slave who became Valide Sultan (Queen Mother) of the Ottoman Empire was Naksidil (1761-1817)--also known as Aimee du Buc de Rivery. She was French, and was captured by the Ottoman Turks when her ship was sinking in the Mediterranean. She was taken to Istanbul as a slave, sent to the harem of Sultan Abdul Hamid I, where she found favor with him and became his 9th and last Queen. Though she was forded to convert to Islam, and practiced it most of her life, she nonetheless died as a CAtholic, confessing her sins, and recieving the LAst Rites from a Franciscan monk. It was one of her last death-bed requests to her son, Ottoman Sultan Mahmud II who grieved deeply the illness and loss of his beloved mother. He reigned as Sultan from 1808-39.
atreverse pensar
Who Owned the Slave Ships?
The U.S. Congress outlawed the importation of African Slaves into America in 1807. On January 1, 1808 (when the Act became effective) there were 128 slave-trading vessels in Savannah harbor (the main harbor used for the importation of slaves). The records for eight of them are missing, of the 120 that are extant, all were registered to Jewish owners. This film exposes …More
Who Owned the Slave Ships?

The U.S. Congress outlawed the importation of African Slaves into America in 1807. On January 1, 1808 (when the Act became effective) there were 128 slave-trading vessels in Savannah harbor (the main harbor used for the importation of slaves). The records for eight of them are missing, of the 120 that are extant, all were registered to Jewish owners. This film exposes the historical fact of the Jewish domination of the Middle Passage slave trade.

If reparations should be made to descendants of slaves, shouldn't it be made by these Jewish shipping companies, most of which are still in business today?