
Shelf Warmer: Francis' "New Morality" Was Already Condemned By Pius XII

As early as 1952, the Francis' “rigidity” accusation which is used to promote immorality was debunked by Pius XII (+1958).

In his 23 March 1952 Radio Message, Pius XII condemned Situation Ethics, an ideology of which Francis is a representative which evaluates human acts only in light of their narrow situational context ("case by case") rather than by the application of broad-minded moral principles which Situation Ethics attempts to denigrate.

Therefore, Pius XII said: "The accusation of oppressive rigidity made against the Church by the ‘new morality,’ in reality, attacks, in the first place, the adorable Person of Christ Himself."

Francis is downright obsesses with accusing those of "rigidity" who criticise his moral laxism.

Picture: Pius XII © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsAdbkhywxjn

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Cosa significa questo?
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Wilma Lopez
Full rigidity
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