Sodoma Supplicans: Francis Leads Himself ad Absurdum

The homosex-propagandist Bergoglio received the members of the Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith on 26 January. On his own initiative, he mentioned his text "Fiducia supplicans" and tried to justify what cannot be justified.

Francis claimed that the [pseudo] blessing he invented for those who practice homosexuality was a way of showing the "closeness of the Lord and of the Church" to all those who, in "different situations" [= mortal sin], ask for help to continue - sometimes to begin - a journey of faith. In reality, the [pseudo] blessing shows a closeness to the devil and helps to continue a journey to hell.

He told those present that he wanted to stress two things:

- "The first is that these [pseudo] blessings, outside of any liturgical context and form, do not require moral perfection in order to be received." This is a straw man argument, since no blessing requires "moral perfection".

- "The second is that when one spontaneously approaches a couple to ask for their blessing, one is not blessing the union, but simply the people who have made the request together." This is an argument that denies reality and is contradicted by the fact that Francis nevertheless felt the need to publish the text "Sodomia supplicans".

Francis led himself ad absurdum by adding that what matters is "not the union" ("the couple"), but the people, "taking into account, of course, the context, the sensitivities, the places where the people live and the most appropriate ways to do it."

It's precisely these people [= unrepentant adulterers and homosexuals], their "context", their "sensitivities" and their "places" that make it impossible to "bless" them, because they are not looking for conversion, but for confirmation in their vice.

Picture: © Mazur/, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsTouxmxoqfp

DefendTruth shares this
If Fiducia Supplicans is about blessing individuals, then why does the document carve out special conditions for blessing couples?
John A Cassani
They are so out of touch that they believed people would buy the line that it was some important and needed document concerning the incredibly important issue of “spontaneous blessings” (which have become more and more ubiquitous over the past half century), as opposed to what it is, which is official approbation for causing public scandal.
Ivan Tomas
Poor thing. He just don't know, plus, he can't even understand what is he bragging about. Because he is not a Catholic. Which is by the way so obvious as a pink elephant in the room, even for a blind and deaf sheep. And a shepherd!
Wilma Lopez shares this
Francis doubles down on homosexual blessings: ‘Not the union, but the people’ are blessed
I’ll ask again. If it’s only a blessing of people, why was a letter needed? Show us the prior prohibition on blessing people.
Ivan Tomas
@SHJ-IHM, he can't give you answer, he just don't know, because he is not Catholic.
Sorry, Your Holiness: But vain attempts to clean up and sanitize your truth-defying error such as this are STILL blasphemous, because at the end of the day the Priest is falsely and illicitly pronouncing and invoking God’s blessing upon two people together as a “couple” not separately as individuals. You still have two people joined and united in their mortal sin standing brazenly and unrepentantly …More
Sorry, Your Holiness: But vain attempts to clean up and sanitize your truth-defying error such as this are STILL blasphemous, because at the end of the day the Priest is falsely and illicitly pronouncing and invoking God’s blessing upon two people together as a “couple” not separately as individuals. You still have two people joined and united in their mortal sin standing brazenly and unrepentantly together before you seeking the Church’s sanction via a Priestly “blessing.” Consequently, it is utterly and entirely IMPOSSIBLE for any such so-called blessing not to be received and recognized for what it truly is: an official acknowledgment of their status as a “pair” and an acceptance of their unholy relationship by Holy Mother Church, whom the Priest represents.

This affirmation of sodomy, issued with your Papal assent and authorization, gives the Church's sanction and approval to the sinful connection that exists between the two persons; it is an approval that is both automatic and unavoidable because it is intrinsic to the act of blessing itself. Furthermore, the inherent approval and endorsement of the Church for such an iniquitous joining of two persons is actually codified in the language of the Declaration itself, since it specifically and intentionally uses the word “couple” in identifying the recipients of the so-called blessing, and the word “relationship” in articulating the context of the so-called blessing’s impact. The Declaration explicitly states that the blessing is for couples, and that what is being blessed are certain aspects of the couple’s relationship. It does not directly establish or implement a personal blessing specifically for an “individual” who approaches a Priest seeking one (which already exists and which the Church has always allowed and freely gives); that particular provision, unfortunately, is not the stated intent or purpose contained therein. On the contrary, this Declaration exclusively addresses and establishes the provision of a blessing for couples who are defined in the document as being in a relationship. It must be understood then, and cannot be truthfully denied, that the SOLE purpose and intent of this Declaration, as clearly articulated in the actual text of the document itself, is to grant explicit permission for Priests to bestow the Church’s (and hence, the Lord's) blessing upon the relationship or "union" of same-sex or sexually immoral couples, and as such, to express openly, publicly and officially for the first time in history, the Church’s approval and sanction of those mortally sinful acts.

Also, as any well-catechized member of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church surely knows, the very fact that when a man who has received the ontological mark of ordination by the sacrament of Holy Orders pronounces a "blessing" under any circumstances or in any context, the blessing itself is fueled by the divine impartation of his sacramental ministry, particularly those blessings given at the hands of Priests. That is exactly the reason why one wants, seeks and requests a blessing from a Priest in the first place; it is because one desires the touch of divinity that comes from the sacral nature of his Priesthood as it is channeled through the blessing upon the person, object or situation when the Priest invokes the power and presence of Almighty God and requests His Heavenly favor on behalf of the recipient or receptacle of the blessing. Consequently, EVERY blessing pronounced and invoked by a Priest issues forth from his sacramental ministry and contains in its substance an intrinsic, innate, irrevocable and inextinguishable element of Christ’s own ministry, whom the Priest stands in place of, making it by definition unalterably sacramental or "liturgical." So, there can be no doubt or argument that, contrary to your repeated efforts and effusive babblings and jibberish to explain it as something otherwise, ALL blessings given by Priests are liturgical — every single one of them — and it is literally IMPOSSIBLE to purge or divest a Priestly blessing of its "liturgical" essence or sacramental nature. It simply cannot be done. And therefore, there is not, nor can there ever be, just a “non-liturgical” blessing, or as it is defined in your own words: a blessing "outside of any liturgical context and form." Such a thing does not — and cannot — exist.

Thus, regardless of location, or environment, or attire, or brevity of words, or lack of ceremony and vestiture, or the absence of a defined liturgy and the accompanying rubrics, or the “spontaneity” of the request, or the timed duration of the spoken invocation itself, the result is the same: the committal of a grave and grievous sacrilege and desecration in the attempt to “bless” what God Himself has cursed and declared an abomination in His sight. Therefore, Holy Father, a Priest cannot perform any such thing AT ALL under any circumstances whatsoever, regardless of the situation, or the innocence of his stated intention, or his desire to be “compassionate” and “pastoral,” or what so-called precautionary measures he takes in a futile effort to avoid scandal or the misinterpretation of the act. Nothing can redeem or sanctify this blasphemous profanity.

As the the Chief Shepherd of Holy Mother Church, you have erred enormously and catastrophically in this, Holy Father, bringing disaster upon Christ's Bride and destroying innocent souls. There is nothing that can be done to rectify or repair this particular blunder, other than for you to immediately dismiss and laicize the Cardinal-Pervert who wrote it (better known around the globe as "Kissy”), and then promulgate an Apostolic Decree from the Holy See that fully and unambiguously abrogates and annuls this God-forsaken sodomy-blessing Declaration in its entirety, and that forthwith, forbids all Priests from committing any and all such acts. Because, in spite of your half-baked attempts to mitigate the damage done to the whole Church and throughout the entire world with this heretical word-salad by you and your porn-writing Prefect for the Destruction of the Faith, it remains an abomination.
Dennis Joseph
13 minutes ago
This is the best commentary I've seen yet on this Vatican document.More
13 minutes ago

This is the best commentary I've seen yet on this Vatican document.
Paragraph 5 needs a correction
Secondly, he noted,
"when a couple
spontaneously approaches la minister and
asks for them, he is not blessing the union,
but simply the people who together have
requested it
Everyday for Life Canada
Theological verbal gymnastics cannot turn sin into virtue.
True Mass
Bergoglio - blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah .......
Hound of Heaven
Clearly Bergoglio is eager to add to the honorifics which can be used in reference to himself - Your Overbearingness, The Prater Noster, Servant of the Self-Satisfied, The Tedium, etc. The list bloats with each new declaration and proclamation.
Ivan Tomas
@True Mass, you mean to say: blah-sphemy blah-sphemy blah-sphemy blah-sphemy blah-sphemy blah-sphemy blah-sphemy blah-sphemy blah-sphemy blah-sphemy blah-sphemy blah-sphemy blah-sphemy blah-sphemy blah-sphemy ........