
Pontifical Marian Academy: President Suggests that Gospels, Fatima Are "False"

The Pontifical Marian Academy inaugurated an “Observatory for Marian Apparitions and Mystical Phenomena” in mid-April.

Father Stefano Cecchin, President of the Academy, told AlfaYOmega.es (April 30), that [the stupid] bishops are "not prepared" to deal with apparitions.

So, his academy will do it. The bishop will then rubber-stamp ("decide") Cecchin's decision, which means: more Vatican centralism. Previously, each bishop was responsible for apparitions in his diocese.

Cecchin says that there are "warning signs" which show that an apparition is false, “Would a mother want to punish her children by sending them illness, death...?" he sentimentalises. His answer, "Not at all." According to him, apparitions that speak of God's punishments "are absolutely false.”

Consequently, the Gospels are "false" because Christ warns more of hell than he promises heaven.

The apparitions of Fatima, recognised by the Church, are also "false" because they warn of hell and contain a terrifying vision. The visionaries, little children, are told by Our Lady to atone for the sinners “so that God will not have to punish them too much” and that most of the souls in hell are there for sins against chastity.


alfred dunn
Good grief, only in Francis Church!
Bernold Baer
Die Bibel lehrt genau das Gegenteil!
Sprüche 15 (Arndt):
“ 10. Schlimme Züchtigung trifft den, der den Weg des Lebens verlässt, und wer die Rüge haßt, wird sterben.
Sprüche 13 (Arndt):
“ 24. Wer die Rute spart, haßt seinen Sohn; wer ihn aber lieb hat, hält ihn beständig in der Zucht.“
Sprüche 23 (Arndt):
“ 13. Enthalte einem Knaben die Züchtigung nicht vor; denn wenn du ihn mit der Rute …More
Die Bibel lehrt genau das Gegenteil!

Sprüche 15 (Arndt):
“ 10. Schlimme Züchtigung trifft den, der den Weg des Lebens verlässt, und wer die Rüge haßt, wird sterben.

Sprüche 13 (Arndt):
“ 24. Wer die Rute spart, haßt seinen Sohn; wer ihn aber lieb hat, hält ihn beständig in der Zucht.“

Sprüche 23 (Arndt):
“ 13. Enthalte einem Knaben die Züchtigung nicht vor; denn wenn du ihn mit der Rute schlägst, wird er nicht sterben.“

Sprüche 29 (Arndt):
“ 15. Rute und Rüge geben Weisheit; der Knabe aber, dem sein Wille gelassen wird, macht seiner Mutter Schande.“

Jesus Sirach 30 (Arndt):
“ 1. Wer seinen Sohn lieb hat, hält ihn beständig unter der Rute, damit er am Ende Freude an ihm erlebe und nicht an der Nachbarn Türen klopfen müsse.“

Hebräer 12 (Arndt):
“ 4. Denn noch habt ihr nicht bis auf´s Blut Widerstand geleistet im Kampfe wider die Sünde, 5. und habt des Zuspruchs vergessen, der sich an euch als an Kinder wendet: Mein Sohn! achte die Züchtigung des Herrn nicht gering, und verzage nicht, wenn du von ihm zurechtgewiesen wirst. 6. Denn wen der Herr lieb hat, den züchtigt er, er geißelt aber jeden Sohn, den er annimmt. 7. Haltet aus unter der Züchtigung! Gott verfährt mit euch, wie mit seinen Kindern; denn wo ist ein Sohn, den der Vater nicht züchtigt? 8. Wenn ihr aber ohne Züchtigung seid, deren doch alle teilhaftig geworden sind, so seid ihr ja unrechtmäßige, nicht wahre Söhne. 9. Ferner: unsere leiblichen Väter hatten wir zu Züchtigern, und erwiesen ihnen Ehrfurcht; sollten wir uns nicht viel mehr dem Vater der Geister unterwerfen und so leben? 10. Jene züchtigten uns für die Zeit weniger Tage nach ihrem Gutdünken; er aber für das, was heilsam ist, damit wir an seiner Heiligkeit Anteil erlangen. 11. Jede Züchtigung freilich scheint für die Gegenwart nicht erfreuend zu sein, sondern betrübend; in der Folge aber wird sie denen, die durch sie geübt wurden, eine friedenreiche Frucht der Gerechtigkeit gewähren. 12. Darum richtet die erschlafften Hände und die wankenden Kniee wieder auf, 13. und machet gerade Schritte mit euern Füßen, damit Niemand hinke und abirre, sondern vielmehr geheilt werde.“

2 Thimoteus 3 (Arndt):
“ 16. Alle von Gott eingegebene Schrift ist nützlich zur Belehrung, zur Zurechtweisung, zur Besserung, zur Unterweisung in der Gerechtigkeit, 17. damit der gottgeweihte Mensch vollkommen werde, zu jedem guten Werke geschickt.“
Tradition und Kontinuität
Ich gebe zu, mit diesen Sprüchen kann ich mich nicht identifizieren. Die Pädagogie hat mittlerweile Fortschritte gemacht. Gewalt an Kindern wird heute bestraft, und das ist gut so. Allerdings darf man jetzt auch nicht ins andere Extrem verfallen und alles zulassen. Die Wahrheit liegt, wie meist in der Mitte, jenseits der Extreme.
Bernold Baer
@Tradition und Kontinuität
"Die Pädagogie hat mittlerweile Fortschritte gemacht."
Die Bibel enthält den Willen Gottes!
Der Wille Gottes muss geschehen!

Vater unser im Himmel,
geheiligt werde dein Name,
dein Reich komme,
dein Wille geschehe,
wie im Himmel so auf Erden.
Unser tägliches Brot gib uns heute;
und vergib uns unsere Schuld,
wie auch wir vergeben unseren Schuldigern.
Und führe uns …More
@Tradition und Kontinuität

"Die Pädagogie hat mittlerweile Fortschritte gemacht."

Die Bibel enthält den Willen Gottes!

Der Wille Gottes muss geschehen!

Vater unser im Himmel,
geheiligt werde dein Name,
dein Reich komme,
dein Wille geschehe,
wie im Himmel so auf Erden.
Unser tägliches Brot gib uns heute;
und vergib uns unsere Schuld,
wie auch wir vergeben unseren Schuldigern.
Und führe uns nicht in Versuchung,
sondern erlöse uns von dem Bösen.
Denn dein ist das Reich
und die Kraft und die Herrlichkeit in Ewigkeit.

Pädagogie als menschengemachte Pseudowissenschaft ist NICHT vorgesehen!
Tradition und Kontinuität
Alles was nicht die Worte Jesu oder im AT die Worte Gottes sind kann diskutiert werden. Die Gewaltaufrufe im AT, ob Rute oder Todesstrafe werden von der heutigen Theologie abgelehnt. Zurecht!
Bernold Baer
@Tradition und Kontinuität
Hebräer 12
2 Thimoteus 3
sind Teil des Neuen Testament!
Hebräer 12 (Arndt):
“ 4. Denn noch habt ihr nicht bis auf´s Blut Widerstand geleistet im Kampfe wider die Sünde, 5. und habt des Zuspruchs vergessen, der sich an euch als an Kinder wendet: Mein Sohn! achte die Züchtigung des Herrn nicht gering, und verzage nicht, wenn du von ihm zurechtgewiesen wirst. 6. Denn …More
@Tradition und Kontinuität

Hebräer 12


2 Thimoteus 3

sind Teil des Neuen Testament!

Hebräer 12 (Arndt):
“ 4. Denn noch habt ihr nicht bis auf´s Blut Widerstand geleistet im Kampfe wider die Sünde, 5. und habt des Zuspruchs vergessen, der sich an euch als an Kinder wendet: Mein Sohn! achte die Züchtigung des Herrn nicht gering, und verzage nicht, wenn du von ihm zurechtgewiesen wirst. 6. Denn wen der Herr lieb hat, den züchtigt er, er geißelt aber jeden Sohn, den er annimmt. 7. Haltet aus unter der Züchtigung! Gott verfährt mit euch, wie mit seinen Kindern; denn wo ist ein Sohn, den der Vater nicht züchtigt? 8. Wenn ihr aber ohne Züchtigung seid, deren doch alle teilhaftig geworden sind, so seid ihr ja unrechtmäßige, nicht wahre Söhne. 9. Ferner: unsere leiblichen Väter hatten wir zu Züchtigern, und erwiesen ihnen Ehrfurcht; sollten wir uns nicht viel mehr dem Vater der Geister unterwerfen und so leben? 10. Jene züchtigten uns für die Zeit weniger Tage nach ihrem Gutdünken; er aber für das, was heilsam ist, damit wir an seiner Heiligkeit Anteil erlangen. 11. Jede Züchtigung freilich scheint für die Gegenwart nicht erfreuend zu sein, sondern betrübend; in der Folge aber wird sie denen, die durch sie geübt wurden, eine friedenreiche Frucht der Gerechtigkeit gewähren. 12. Darum richtet die erschlafften Hände und die wankenden Kniee wieder auf, 13. und machet gerade Schritte mit euern Füßen, damit Niemand hinke und abirre, sondern vielmehr geheilt werde.“

2 Thimoteus 3 (Arndt):
“ 16. Alle von Gott eingegebene Schrift ist nützlich zur Belehrung, zur Zurechtweisung, zur Besserung, zur Unterweisung in der Gerechtigkeit, 17. damit der gottgeweihte Mensch vollkommen werde, zu jedem guten Werke geschickt.“
Novena - Oremus shares this
Fatima: "Wenn man aber nicht aufhört, Gott zu beleidigen, wird unter dem Pontifikat von Papst Pius XI. ein anderer, schlimmerer (Krieg) beginnen. Wenn ihr eine Nacht von einem unbekannten Licht erhellt seht, dann wisst, dass dies das große Zeichen ist, das Gott euch gibt, dass Er die Welt für ihre Missetaten durch Krieg, Hungersnot, Verfolgungen der Kirche und des Heiligen Vaters bestrafen wird."
English Catholic
Readers - this was never about me, or anyone else - it was an attempt to present the documents of the Holy See / Local Ordinaries of Santander which has obviously turned into a personal attack on me. I post the link here again for any genuine enquirers: DEFINITIVE STATEMENTS ON GARABANDAL
I have also found this website with statements from the Holy See / local Ordinaries (mostly in Spanish) which …More
Readers - this was never about me, or anyone else - it was an attempt to present the documents of the Holy See / Local Ordinaries of Santander which has obviously turned into a personal attack on me. I post the link here again for any genuine enquirers: DEFINITIVE STATEMENTS ON GARABANDAL

I have also found this website with statements from the Holy See / local Ordinaries (mostly in Spanish) which have protocol numbers, so are concrete proof. There is even a photocopy of the 1996 local Ordinary's statement (in Spanish) sent to the late Richard Salbato in 2001 which is dated, officially stamped, and signed by the (then) local Ordinary, which utterly disproves any comments made by any other person on this thread that I have never 'validated evidence' : OBISPADO DE SANTANDER

In the meantime, if this is insufficient, I urge you to contact the current local Ordinary for up-to-date information:
Bishop: Excmo. y Rvdmo. Mons. Manuel Sánchez Monge
(Secretary: Rvdo. D. Alejandro Benavente Talaverón)
Official Web Site: Diócesis de Santander | Portal de la Diócesis de Santander
Mailing Address: Obispado, Plaza Obispo Jose Eguino Trecu 1, 39002 Santander, Espana
Telephone: 942.36.56.57
Fax: 942.36.74.00

At the end of the day, I'm not the local Ordinary and to the best of my knowledge, neither is anyone else posting here. I can't say fairer than that. The truth is out there for those who want it. God bless.
English Catholic
As I said, continual nitpicking to disguise the truth - emails/comments, so what. They are a form of electronic mail whereby a comment is posted by electronic means. Check the spelling and the sentences of all his comments below - really, you couldn't make it up. I didn't know this person had the ability to read souls and could see they were in need of humility, so I can only assume that is the sin …More
As I said, continual nitpicking to disguise the truth - emails/comments, so what. They are a form of electronic mail whereby a comment is posted by electronic means. Check the spelling and the sentences of all his comments below - really, you couldn't make it up. I didn't know this person had the ability to read souls and could see they were in need of humility, so I can only assume that is the sin of rash judgement. Interesting that the person readily quotes an EWTN source, but refuses to accept a Garabandal report from an EWTN subsidiary newspaper, NCR. Hypocrite.
One more comment from English Catholic
English Catholic
LOLOL!!! I have now been blocked by Josephmary AnneJochaim (Deo Gratias). I thought I'd write a general comment, not addressed specifically to him. I have patiently answered his questions time and time again - which have been ignored time and time again - and each time he moves the goalposts and comes back nitpicking about wording, although he claims to have no position on Garabandal (which I don't …More
LOLOL!!! I have now been blocked by Josephmary AnneJochaim (Deo Gratias). I thought I'd write a general comment, not addressed specifically to him. I have patiently answered his questions time and time again - which have been ignored time and time again - and each time he moves the goalposts and comes back nitpicking about wording, although he claims to have no position on Garabandal (which I don't believe for a second). This is how it goes with fanatics. But what I really object to is being accused of 'sloppy language' - please read his emails. The guy can barely put a sentence together and makes frequent mistakes in spelling. He can't even spell his own user name (the parents of Our Lady were Anne and Joachim not Jochaim). I originally thought he was from a non-English speaking country but was shocked to learn he is based in Dublin. Maybe he emigrated there. Maybe he is dyslexic. If so, I'm sure I can look forward to a barrage of accusations from him about being 'dyslexophobic'. However, readers, please ignore the superficialities of this debate and please look at the thread and see who has been consistent and coherent about the basic question regarding adherence to the statements of the Holy See / Local Ordinaries, and well, who hasn't.
English Catholic
It was very interesting to note that GTV - en.news announced that a bishop had spoken out against the United Nations, saying it was working towards World Dictatorship: Diocesan Bishop: UN Works toward World Dictatorship Very brave and very perspicacious, I thought. The sort of headline that would generate a lot of comments. But very strangely, only a few - including myself - commented. I wondered …More
It was very interesting to note that GTV - en.news announced that a bishop had spoken out against the United Nations, saying it was working towards World Dictatorship: Diocesan Bishop: UN Works toward World Dictatorship Very brave and very perspicacious, I thought. The sort of headline that would generate a lot of comments. But very strangely, only a few - including myself - commented. I wondered if the reason for many GTV regulars keeping quiet about this bishop's good stance, was because he is the Bishop of Santander - Bishop Manuel Sánchez Monge - who also has joined the long list of local Santander Ordinaries in agreeing that nothing supernatural happened at Garabandal. He stated as recently as October 2022: “my position, like that of my predecessors, is that Rome’s assessment remains valid: ‘There are no signs of supernaturality." Spanish Bishop Makes Statement on Alleged Apparitions at Garabandal
English Catholic
@Josephmary AnneJochaim I do not have a direct link to the bishop's statement, but I'm sure if it were false, it would have been refuted by now, as it was spread far and wide all over the internet, and not just on National Catholic Register, it was also reported on the Spanish ACI Prensa. Please contact the Santander chancery directly yourself if you require verification.
The Santander chancery …More
@Josephmary AnneJochaim I do not have a direct link to the bishop's statement, but I'm sure if it were false, it would have been refuted by now, as it was spread far and wide all over the internet, and not just on National Catholic Register, it was also reported on the Spanish ACI Prensa. Please contact the Santander chancery directly yourself if you require verification.
The Santander chancery details are:
Official Web Site: Diócesis de Santander | Portal de la Diócesis de Santander
Mailing Address: Obispado, Plaza Obispo Jose Eguino Trecu 1, 39002 Santander, Espana
Telephone: 942.36.56.57
Fax: 942.36.74.00
English Catholic
@Josephmary AnneJochaim I'm not sure if English is not your first language, or you are using Google translate, but either way, you are not making sense. I have clearly stated, I do not have a direct link to the bishop's statement, and have said that if you want one, then contact him. He is the local Ordinary, not me.
2 more comments from English Catholic
English Catholic
@Josephmary AnneJochaim I can make that claim, and I did. Do you seriously think that NCR - a subsidiary of EWTN - would promote falsehoods without any kind of correction from Bishop Monge? I have no need of confirmation that nothing supernatural happened at Garabandal - I have it already in the statements from the Holy See and the Local Ordinary. You seem to need it, so you go look for it.
English Catholic
@Josephmary AnneJochaim For goodness sake, how many times to I have to say this? READ THE DEFINITIVE DOCUMENTS FROM THE HOLY SEE AND LOCAL ORDINARY: DEFINITIVE STATEMENTS ON GARABANDAL and I'm quite sure that the reason you won't contact the Santander diocese yourself (an easy enough task) is because you're concerned they will tell you what you don't want to hear. This conversation is over.
Credo .
Reminds me of another blogger (who is not right in the head)... He tried using the same tactics re; another fraudulent apparition. Also tried to wear me down and then blocked me! English Catholic you win this debate hands down. Cheers! > 👏 👏 👏
Maybe the Pontifical Marian Academy is ''false''.
It's time to read or re-read the interview of Fr. Fuentes with the real Sr. Lucia of Fatima.
Sister Lucy’s Last Public Interview in 1957 by Fr. Augustin Fuentes
Live Mike
Fr Dan
A Catholic mind, a spiritual gift given to the faithful can sift out the true from the baloney
English Catholic
@Fr Dan If this were so, how come so many good, solid Catholics have fallen prey to false apparitions and mystics? Read Michael Davies' piece in my comment further down. Also, doesn't your view make the CDF's 1996 notification (see below) completely redundant?
An important document was issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in November 1996 and placed in L'Osservatore Romano. It …More
@Fr Dan If this were so, how come so many good, solid Catholics have fallen prey to false apparitions and mystics? Read Michael Davies' piece in my comment further down. Also, doesn't your view make the CDF's 1996 notification (see below) completely redundant?

An important document was issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in November 1996 and placed in L'Osservatore Romano. It stated:

“Regarding the circulation of texts of alleged private revelations, the Congregation states: The interpretation given by some individuals to a decision approved by Paul VI on 14 October 1966 and promulgated on 15 November of that year, in virtue of which writings and messages resulting from alleged revelations could be freely circulated in the Church is absolutely groundless. This decision actually referred to the “Abolition of the Index of Forbidden Books” and determined that after the relevant censures were lifted, the moral obligation still remained of not circulating or reading those writings which endanger faith and morals. It should be recalled however, that with regard to the circulation of texts of alleged private revelations, Canon 823#1 of the current code remains in force: “the Pastors of the Church have the … right to demand that writings to be published by the Christian faithful which touch upon faith or morals be submitted to their judgement”. Alleged supernatural revelations and writings concerning them are submitted in first instance to the judgement of the diocesan Bishop, and in particular cases, to the judgement of the Episcopal Conference and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.”
Father Cecchin, thank you for confirming what Cardinal Ciappi revealed is in the 3rd Secret of Fatima: namely, that the Great Apostasy begins at the top! Your ridiculous comments are proof that this is so!
English Catholic
This is the largely the fault of all those - many of whom frequent this website (they know who they are) - who ignore, disregard, misrepresent or downplay the legitimate declarations of the local Ordinaries regarding alleged supernatural phenomena in their respective dioceses.
Who in their right mind would blame the bishops if they did pass the buck to some central authority. Most of them would be …More
This is the largely the fault of all those - many of whom frequent this website (they know who they are) - who ignore, disregard, misrepresent or downplay the legitimate declarations of the local Ordinaries regarding alleged supernatural phenomena in their respective dioceses.

Who in their right mind would blame the bishops if they did pass the buck to some central authority. Most of them would be only too glad to have the burden taken from their shoulders - millions of emails and letters from fanatics worldwide taking issue with their declarations. Take Garabandal for example. From when the occurrences happened to the present day, the local Ordinaries - including the current one - have consistently stated that there is no evidence of supernatural activity, and these statements have been fully endorsed and supported by the Holy See, but of course, certain armchair apparition fanatics know better, and bombard them with pressure and complaints, and it is this kind of behaviour that has brought the situation to this point.

Another example is a letter written in 1997 by (then Local Ordinary) Bishop Ratko Peric regarding Medjugorje. In it he states "my conviction and position is not only non constat de supernaturalitate [the supernaturality is not proven] but also the other formula constat de non supernaturalitate [the non-supernaturality is proven] of the apparitions or revelations of Medjugorje. Nevertheless I am open to a study that the Holy See would undertake, as the supreme court of the Catholic Church, to speak the supreme and definitive judgment on the case, and that as soon as possible, for the good of souls and for the honor of the Church and of Our Lady." Library : Letter to Thierry Boutet So apparition fanatics, don't moan. You've only got yourselves to blame.

Father Stefano Cecchin did not actually mention the Gospels or Fatima, let alone declare them to be false, so this headline is misleading, to say the least. The Gospels are the Gospels. We cannot change them. Fatima has been fully approved by all the local Ordinaries, the Holy See and a few Popes have made pilgrimages to it. I think it is obvious that this 'Academy' is for current and 'up and coming' alleged apparitions.

Thanks to @Starlight777 for the translation. It is, at least, encouraging to know that the CDF 1996 Notification is not being over-ridden, and that this Academy has stated that: "We are not here to take the place of the bishops; We only offer training. We try to help them, because they often face situations of this type and do not know what to do, they are not prepared."
For those who would like to read a translated article of the one referenced in this blog post, I submit the following google translation
How was the observatory on apparitions and mystical phenomena linked to the figure of the Virgin born?
It arises to give an answer to all the problems, to the confusion that certain false apparitions have created. In the 19th century, under the influence of …More
For those who would like to read a translated article of the one referenced in this blog post, I submit the following google translation

How was the observatory on apparitions and mystical phenomena linked to the figure of the Virgin born?
It arises to give an answer to all the problems, to the confusion that certain false apparitions have created. In the 19th century, under the influence of positivism, the Church almost denied the supernatural; she didn't care. But the problem is that if you ignore it, cults can be born, as has already happened. Latin America is a rampant example of the proliferation of santeros, healers, gurus... people who want to take advantage of the credulity of the people and their pain. Then there is the danger of infiltration by the mafias, who know that the sanctuaries are a source of money. For this reason, it is the bishops themselves who have explicitly asked us for a sound and solid Mariology.

What will your role be?
We are not here to take the place of the bishops; We only offer training. We try to help them, because they often face situations of this type and do not know what to do, they are not prepared. Either they deny the phenomenon or they ventilate it in a positive way too quickly; other times they are very condescending. For this reason, when a bishop does not know what to do or wants to create a study commission, he calls us. It must be clear that the Pontifical International Marian Academy(PAMI) is a body that reports directly to the Roman Curia. We are the only ones competent in the subject of the figure of Mary in the whole world. Our scholars are accredited by the Holy See. In other words, we are recognized as experts in this discipline and, therefore, with the right to intervene. When we get down to work, we do so with a certificate from the Holy See that accredits us as trustworthy people, without external interests. But it is the bishops who make the final judgment and have the last word.

What happens if it starts to be a phenomenon that crosses borders and is not limited to local reality?
If the phenomenon expands and becomes worldwide, as in Medjugorje, for example, then the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith intervenes. It also intervenes when there is a doctrinal or theological problem.

What type? Can you give an example?
We have a clear example in the studies on mother Ágreda. She was condemned by the Inquisition because she said that Mary is the mother of the Church. It was taken as a theological error, but it was not.

Do you have an assigned budget?
No, we do not receive any remuneration for doing this. We work for free. This reinforces our independence. We have no interest other than the good of the Church.

But this can also limit the work...
Our work is more of coordination. At the moment we cannot do bilocations [laughs]. But now with the internet it's easier. Our idea is to create a network of specialists based in all parts of the world, so that all dioceses have a specific place where they can find experts, who will be in charge of dealing with these phenomena if they arise. For this we will have the different national Mariological Societies. We will also offer online courses .

They analyze stigmata and lacrimation
The Vatican presented on April 13 the International Observatory on apparitions and mystical phenomena linked to the Virgin Mary, which is part of the Pontifical Marian Academy. The objective is to create a network of experts to study cases of Marian apparitions, lacrimations, interior locutions, stigmata and other mystical phenomena whose authenticity has not been approved by the Church.

How does the study commission work?
The apparitions are examined with a magnifying glass in an interdisciplinary way from a scientific perspective. The commission is made up of doctors, lawyers, psychologists... It is necessary to analyse, for example, the morality of the visionaries, their physical and mental state or if there are conditioning factors or external interests. Voting then proceeds. Each member of the commission issues a written judgment, gives his vote, his positive or negative opinion. This material is given to the bishop for him to decide.

What elements can make you suspect that it is something false?
The Holy See issued clear rules on this in 1978. Therefore, there is a protocol in place. But there are warning signs. Does a mother want to punish her children by sending them illnesses, death...? No way. So the apparitions that speak of God's punishments are absolutely false.

What is the role of the Pope in all this?
It must be made clear that the apparitions are private revelations. They do not add or subtract from public revelations, so the approval of the Pope is not necessary. There never will be, there never has been. If the Pontiff goes to a place where apparitions have already been approved, it is always with a pastoral meaning. In addition, it must be clear that in the field of Canon Law there is no word apparition. For the Church there are apparitions or mystical phenomena, but in legal discourse we speak of a place of pilgrimage. They are two different things. For example, in the case of Medjugorje, the apparition may not be approved, but the place of pilgrimage is.

Was it easier now to undertake an investigation of this type?
In the past it was more difficult to find documents, but today it is more difficult to keep at bay all the influences that can distort the messages. The time has changed. We have more resources and more experts. For example, tears of blood are analyzed with DNA tests and thus can be compared with other apparitions.
English Catholic
It was good to see the 1978 Vatican document NORMS REGARDING THE MANNER OF PROCEEDING IN THE DISCERNMENT OF PRESUMED APPARITIONS OR REVELATIONS referenced in the above translation. The full document can be found here:- Norms regarding the manner of proceedings in the discernment of presumed apparitions or revelations
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
What was the name of than Monsignor, rector of the Fatima Shrine for over 30 years who recently either retired or died, who was a total heretic, and did much to corrupt the Shrine itself with the ugnly newer second chapel, and by his comments.
The present rector I think is also the typical Vatican II heretic, but the guy I mentioned was the worst
Live Mike
In 1966 the Bishop of Leiria-Fatima, Bishop João Pereira Venâncio, saw the necessity and urgency of defending the authentic Message of Our Lady of Fatima. Bishop Venâncio, alarmed by growing attempts to revise and reinterpret [subvert and suppress] the Message of Fatima, officially commissioned Father Joaquin Maria Alonso, a learned Claretian priest, with the task of writing a complete critical …More
In 1966 the Bishop of Leiria-Fatima, Bishop João Pereira Venâncio, saw the necessity and urgency of defending the authentic Message of Our Lady of Fatima. Bishop Venâncio, alarmed by growing attempts to revise and reinterpret [subvert and suppress] the Message of Fatima, officially commissioned Father Joaquin Maria Alonso, a learned Claretian priest, with the task of writing a complete critical history of the apparitions, messages and revelations of Fatima.
By 1975 all 24 volumes of Father Joaquin Alonso’s work were ready for publication. However, the presses were literally stopped by the new Bishop of Leiria-Fatima, Bishop Alberto Cosme do Amaral. As a result, Father Alonso’s years of research was prevented from reaching the public. Only two of the twenty-four volumes were eventually published (in 1992 and 1999, respectively), but in a heavily redacted form. The other 22 volumes remain unpublished, even though they were fully prepared for the press in 1975.

NOTE: Father Alonso completed his work entitled, “Fatima Texts and Critical Studies”, after several years of studying the Fatima archives and all relevant documents. This massive work would fill 24 volumes (800 pages per volume) and presents a collection of over 5,396 documents, ranging from the beginnings of the Fatima apparitions until November 12, 1974. The manuscripts were “very well prepared,” according to the Abbé Rene Laurentin, who consulted them himself.

NOTE: Why would Father Joaquin Alonso, officially commissioned by the Church to make a critical study of the Fatima Apparitions and Message, be prevented from publishing? Have those in authority who wish to suppress and subvert the true Messages of Our Lady of Fatima determined that the “telling findings” of Father Alonso must be buried with the rest of the Fatima Message? Also, if the Vatican is telling the truth and the Third Secret of Fatima was completely revealed on the 26th of June 2000 (comprised of 62 lines on four sheets of paper), then why haven’t all 24 volumes (800 pages each) been released and published as of May of 2023?
Well said!! Couldn't agree with you more!!
Hound of Heaven
May God save us from such fools who are sentimentalizing our Faith in a manner which will lead many souls to hell when they could have been saved otherwise.