
Trump Accepts Title “Most Pro-Gay President In American History”

The former US Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, a homosexual, said in an August 19 video that Donald Trump is “the most pro-gay president in American history.”

Trump was flattered by Grenell’s words and tweeted back on August 20: “My great honour!!!”

Grenell has been tapped as adviser of the Trump campaign focused on outreach to homosexual voters.


Not sure about VioletFem, personally I find the subject nasty. But you can't get enough of it BYS. A "gay-related" post, first comment & it's you. Gotcha again, Creep! :D.You try soooo hard to fake "normal" and you always give yourself away.
I'll bet a lifetime ban, your ban against mine you can't quote me ever accusing GTV of homophobia. I have only one account. I'm not like you with a second …More
Not sure about VioletFem, personally I find the subject nasty. But you can't get enough of it BYS. A "gay-related" post, first comment & it's you. Gotcha again, Creep! :D.You try soooo hard to fake "normal" and you always give yourself away.

I'll bet a lifetime ban, your ban against mine you can't quote me ever accusing GTV of homophobia. I have only one account. I'm not like you with a second @Joseph a' Christian paedo account.

Are you up for that? @Don Reto Nay? How about it? @Be Ye Separate gets 24 hours to quote me verbatim, linking the post, or he gets a ban. A ban on his IP. Not just a deleted account where he starts another one. He's already running two accounts right now and Jmy1975 came back as "Still_I_Rise" and worse than he was before.

This time somebody goes for good. Hey,I'm all for this! :D

Be Ye Separate. you're very free with that word "fem", are you a man? Or just another filthy paedophile who can't tell one pope from another because he was too busy beating off?

Men stand by what they say. Creeps don't. They make accusations, delete it an hour later with an "uh oh correction" (bottom of the comments) and hope nobody notices.

I say you're a creep and a paedo who can't back up what he says with a direct quote. I'm betting a ban that I'm right. Yes or no? One word answer. Anything else is you making excuse for what you are.
Be Ye Separate
Wow, you had a rabid, faggy fem fit.
You are extremely nasty, obnoxious to others, yet can't take a bit of flak.
Hit a nerve, know now why you are the lawyer for the homo mafia.
Yes or no? One word answer. Anything else is you making excuse for what you are. -and for you that's a paedophile who pretends to be a Catholic. I knew you were going to chicken out. :D
Don't worry, creep. I can take all the "flak" a spineless paedo like you can dish out. There's nothing behind it. A man stands by his word and you, sir, are no man. It's been a lousy weekend for you, hasn't it …More
Yes or no? One word answer. Anything else is you making excuse for what you are. -and for you that's a paedophile who pretends to be a Catholic. I knew you were going to chicken out. :D

Don't worry, creep. I can take all the "flak" a spineless paedo like you can dish out. There's nothing behind it. A man stands by his word and you, sir, are no man. It's been a lousy weekend for you, hasn't it? You made a fool of yourself over which Pope I was praising. Your Jew-bashing got discredited using your own author's research and now I got right up in your face and you had to back down. Paedo creeps always do
Be Ye Separate
VioletFem gets very defensive about this topic, he is going to accuse GTV of homophobia.
So what.
Holy Lord Jesus proclaimed, 'blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see Almighty God.'