Bishop Strickland: The fundamental nature of the Catholic Church can never be changed.
On this week’s episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, Bishop Joseph Strickland explores the consequences of changing Church teaching, tolerance, and briefly addresses a recent pastoral letter on universalism.More
Bishop Strickland: The fundamental nature of the Catholic Church can never be changed.

On this week’s episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, Bishop Joseph Strickland explores the consequences of changing Church teaching, tolerance, and briefly addresses a recent pastoral letter on universalism.

Bishop Strickland: The fundamental nature of the Catholic Church can never be changed - LifeSite

On this week’s episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, Bishop Joseph Strickland explores the consequences …
Bishop Strickland for Pope Now,
@Simon North Insisting that If someone does not publicly denounce something, they support it, is flawed. Who gets to decide if the denuciation was strong enough or quick enough. Sounds like the tyrany of the mob to me.
Simon North
Do you think anything will change unless these hierarchs publicly abjure their heresy? That has never been the thinking of Holy Church. Unless you don't think the ecclesiology of Vatican II is heresy, your thinking is flawed. As for your comment regarding "tyranny": either you wouldn't know tyranny if you tripped over it, or you have the silly notion that hyperbolic statements constitute an effective …More
Do you think anything will change unless these hierarchs publicly abjure their heresy? That has never been the thinking of Holy Church. Unless you don't think the ecclesiology of Vatican II is heresy, your thinking is flawed. As for your comment regarding "tyranny": either you wouldn't know tyranny if you tripped over it, or you have the silly notion that hyperbolic statements constitute an effective argument.
@Simon North I believe that things will change when hearts change. Public figures flood us with their speeches and statements everyday, but what changes? With regards to Vatican II, we can both agree that a lot of heresy and flat out evil came into the church under the banner of "In the spirit of Vatican II" . But in all fairness, good also came out of Vatican II. I have always resisted the support …More
@Simon North I believe that things will change when hearts change. Public figures flood us with their speeches and statements everyday, but what changes? With regards to Vatican II, we can both agree that a lot of heresy and flat out evil came into the church under the banner of "In the spirit of Vatican II" . But in all fairness, good also came out of Vatican II. I have always resisted the support or opposition to large groups or programs. I think we should call the good good and the bad bad. As for recognizing tyranny, does a career over 30 years (118 countries) in counter terrorism count?
Simon North
He's already participated in changing the nature of the Church - precisely because he has never denounced the ecclesiology of Vatican II. Until he does that, he's a Modernist (probably largely unaware of his contradictions, but no one does either him or the Church any favors by not pointing them out).