
Bride plans to marry chandelier but is in open relationship with other objects

A bride-to-be is excitedly planning her big white wedding in a bid to marry her chandelier. Amanda Liberty, describes herself …
I'm delighted Mrs. Liberty has made this match. It ensures, outside of infidelity to her spouse, she will not be polluting the gene-pool of Britain with her fail. Seriously, given the choice between her marrying a light fixture or marrying a Muslim "refugee" and serving as a legal gateway for his entire extended family, which is as they say, "a better choice for Britain"?
Still, there's a part of …More
I'm delighted Mrs. Liberty has made this match. It ensures, outside of infidelity to her spouse, she will not be polluting the gene-pool of Britain with her fail. Seriously, given the choice between her marrying a light fixture or marrying a Muslim "refugee" and serving as a legal gateway for his entire extended family, which is as they say, "a better choice for Britain"?

Still, there's a part of me that wishes she married for love instead of status. Sure, a chandelier is the sort of inanimate object that puts her in a very good light (pun intended). But she's a coward. She bowed to the "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner" brand of racist pressure. She doesnt t have the courage to follow her heart. She's worried what the neighbors would think, she's embarrassed to be seen in public with her one true love.

Because if she truly married for love, it's obvious from the sight of her she'd be proudly posing with a well-used Doc Johnson Bam.
If I get the lovely couple a chandelier as a wedding gift would I be guilty of encouraging bigamy or adultery?
I'm sure plenty of people are congratulating her and wishing her well. The positive attention and lack of proper help will hold her in her illness. Very sad, if you watch the video.
Lol....more craziness coming soon. Thank homoheretics for opening the door