
“Energy Transition” = Enormous Environmental Damage - Archbishop

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has many strategic minerals, Kisangani Archbishop Marcel Utembi Tapa, the President of the Congolese Bishops' Conference, told Fides.org (November 10). Among them …More
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has many strategic minerals, Kisangani Archbishop Marcel Utembi Tapa, the President of the Congolese Bishops' Conference, told Fides.org (November 10).
Among them are 60-70% of the world's cobalt reserves, which are used to build batteries for electric vehicles. “Multinationals and their accomplices do everything they can to exploit our country at the lowest cost,” notes Utembi.
The locals “do not benefit”, so the country is rich, but the population lives in poverty (“economic neo-colonialism”).
The environmental damage caused by the multinationals is “enormous and serious” and occurs “without respect for acceptable standards.”
The leading mining company in the DRC is Glencore (29,900 tonnes of cobalt, 306,000 tonnes copper). It has ties to Bill Clinton and Tony Blair.
Picture: Marcel Utembi Tapa © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsHyofkfbgvh
Jan Joseph
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