
Cheap, Cheaper, Cheapest: Another Sell-Out in St Peter's

As a result of what IlMessaggero.it (September 18) calls "the revolution" begun by Francis, a simple priest, Father Fabio Rosini, will for the first time preside a Eucharist at Saint Peter's central altar which for centuries was reserved for Popes but recently was also used by cardinals.

Not even the canons of St. Peter's whom Francis hates, may celebrate there. Rosini, a former professional violoncellist and parish priest, is the Vocation Director of the Roman Diocese. He belongs to the Neo-catechumenal Way and is known for his youth sermons.

At the October 2 Eucharist, all priests are invited to co-preside. Francis himself suddenly stopped presiding on this Altar for months in 2020 but he kept his regular three meals a day.

Picture: © Martha de Jong-Lantink, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsSojeccqhmv

De Profundis
The high altar of St. Peter’s is was reserved to the Roman Pontiff alone.
Louis IX
Curious as to why Francis stopped celebrating at that altar? I assume he has never spoken on the subject.
Francis himself suddenly stopped presiding on this Altar... but he kept his regular three meals a day." -and presiding at his private porcelain altar.