Bergoglio's Banana Republic: Rupnik Is Still on the List

Father Marko Rupnik is still listed as a Jesuit and as an adviser to the controversial Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments in the 2024 Annuario Pontificio, the Vatican …More
Father Marko Rupnik is still listed as a Jesuit and as an adviser to the controversial Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments in the 2024 Annuario Pontificio, the Vatican yearbook. He was expelled from the Jesuits in June 2023 and is accused of abusing or fornicating with some two dozen sisters. Francis defends him tooth and nail.
De Profundis
Roche apparently turned a blind eye to his employment of Rupnik (to placate Francis?) while viciously eradicating the traditional Mass from parishes.
Mary 17
Considering what he is alleged to have used the Sacred vessels of the Altar for ,that's either a joke or an insult to divine worship.