Vatican in Bed With the Devil And Does Not Notice It. Father Bernardo Cervellera, the editor-in-chief of AsiaNews, has answerd Vatican Bishop Marcello Sanchez Sorondo who, its seems without being drunk …More
Vatican in Bed With the Devil And Does Not Notice It.
Father Bernardo Cervellera, the editor-in-chief of AsiaNews, has answerd Vatican Bishop Marcello Sanchez Sorondo who, its seems without being drunk, believes that the Communist Chinese regime is the best implementer of the Churches’ social doctrine.
Cervellera accuses Sanchez of making “a laughing stock of the Church”. He writes, “Someone should tell Bishop Sanchez that since February 1 all underground Catholic Churches have been closed by the regime and at least 6 million Catholics have no meeting places.
Further, local Communist authorities prohibit "minors under the age of 18" from entering churches, even official ones. Cervellera quotes a priest, "China has transformed the Church into a night club, for adults only".
The Polish president Andrzej Duda has signed a Holocaust bill which the controversial Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano has labeled as “controversial”. The law forbids the divulgation of fake news blaming Poland …More
Uncle Joe
Paul VI invited Catholic believers to his new Audience Hall without Catholic symbolism...He makes them believe that nothing has changed. And why didn't he bless them with the sign of the cross?
>>>... Vatican Bishop Marcello Sanchez Sorondo who, its seems without being drunk, believes that the Communist Chinese regime is the best implementer of the Churches’ social doctrine.<<<
It´s a blatant lie that is easy to see through, because the true Catholic Church has completely different teachings...! Opponents like he are wrong if they think they can twist the truth and justify their sins, …More
>>>... Vatican Bishop Marcello Sanchez Sorondo who, its seems without being drunk, believes that the Communist Chinese regime is the best implementer of the Churches’ social doctrine.<<<
It´s a blatant lie that is easy to see through, because the true Catholic Church has completely different teachings...! Opponents like he are wrong if they think they can twist the truth and justify their sins, even mortal sins.
Their task would be amongst others to proclaim the Gospel to all the people, including the governments, and that transgressions and mortal sins cannot be forgiven without repentance and to be intentionally converted!
"For adults only" - the parents of my life-long friend defected from North Korea and made their way to the U.S. Christian themselves, nevertheless they decided to let their children decide for themselves what they believe about God. Is there any surprise they have raised four atheists?