Smell the bullshit
Caroline03 and one more user link to this post
Looks too clean to be real ,it could be fake, but why would people would do i what is the purpose ( if its a joke they could had showing it crashing the toilet )
Because... "Russia bad! Put bomb in my kitchen!"
Seriously, I too agree that this looks staged since a guided missile strike would hardly leave that little damage. It reminds me of the old-time murder mystery programs where the victim was shot & exhibited only a penny-sized red dot on the forehead! Many people actually think gun wounds are like that. I saw a crime scene once, and the amount of …More
Because... "Russia bad! Put bomb in my kitchen!"

Seriously, I too agree that this looks staged since a guided missile strike would hardly leave that little damage. It reminds me of the old-time murder mystery programs where the victim was shot & exhibited only a penny-sized red dot on the forehead! Many people actually think gun wounds are like that. I saw a crime scene once, and the amount of blood was more akin to a slaughterhouse than a dot!
Jeffrey Ade
After looking more closely, very interesting. Too far away to smell, and why can't Our Lady protect those who pray Her Rosary, after all She promised that!
Paolo F
Unconvincing statement. Both cabinet doors on the left have a similar shape.
Jeffrey Ade
Danke! I noticed that too and it makes the picture more realistic!
Child of Our Lady
I find it very hard to believe this missile crashed through the roof. At the speed a missile travels to get from point A to the target, the impact alone would have ripped a bigger hole in the roof than what is pictured. I doubt you would have been able to tell where the stabilizing fins entered the room. There's also no splintering of the wooden cabinet doors from the impact or scorching.
If it …More
I find it very hard to believe this missile crashed through the roof. At the speed a missile travels to get from point A to the target, the impact alone would have ripped a bigger hole in the roof than what is pictured. I doubt you would have been able to tell where the stabilizing fins entered the room. There's also no splintering of the wooden cabinet doors from the impact or scorching.

If it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.
Even more evidence that's it's dubious - who has cabinet doors that look like the old saloon doors? Amazing that the missile went to that exact spot so as not to damage the other cabinets... Instead appears to be a prop.
Louis IX
Whatever stopped that missile cold in the cabinet must have been pretty tough! Granny’s week old biscuits?
John A Cassani
I’m sure it would have cut such a nice hole in the ceiling too.
Someone sent me this via email... thanks for posting.