A Little Levity Never Hurts
When the enemy of my enemy becomes my friend. The liberal Western elite's behavior has pushed Russia toward closer ties with the East. It will be only when the West recovers it's traditional and classical values based on Traditional Catholicism and philosophical-realism that Russia will once again look towards the West. Don't blame Putin!
I didn't know that Putin was a Communist.
chris griffin
Maybe the upvoters did not think they might be laughing about the destruction of the USA. I would never upvote Communist, powerful laughing foreign men without knowing the context.
Live Mike
"The USA"?! or LGBT ideological indoctrination?!
Man kann hoffen und beten, dass der Besuch Putins vielleicht auch auf die Verbesserung der Menschenrechtslage in Nord-Korea einen positiven Einfluss hat! Immerhin hat er darauf bestanden, eine der wenigen christlichen ("orthodoxen") Kirchen in Nord-Korea zu besuchen!
Hat man etwas Ähnliches bei Besuchen von westlichen Politikern z.B. in China gehört?