Live Mike

"It is a fatal error to hold that a heretic is a valid pope and that those who separate from a heretic leave the Church and are schismatics."

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has the right to express a personal judgement, which is his right to conscience.
Although A TRUE POPE CANNOT fall under the jurisdiction of the Church (or even a future or past pope - as an equal cannot judge an equal), A DUBIOUS POPE CAN fall under its jurisdiction. According to the Church's teaching and canonical tradition, AN HERETICAL OCCUPANT OF THE PAPAL THRONE CAN BE JUDGED by the Church. A heretic is an incapable subject of the papacy, for which reasons the canonical tradition of the Church rules that A HERETIC IS NOT A VALID POPE.
A heretic can't be a true pope. IT IS A FATAL ERROR TO SAY THAT A HERETIC IS A VALID POPE AND THAT THOSE WHO SEPARATE FROM A HERETIC LEAVE THE CHURCH AND ARE SCHISMATICS. But the heretic is an anti-pope who defects from the Church. Those who separate from him remain in the Church. But those who remain under the heretic follow him out of the Church into schism.

It is not Vigano's private opinion but is an evident and undeniable fact that the Bergoglian magisterium officially teaches heresy against the Catholic faith...

See: IS IT ONLY MY OPINION, OR IS BERGOGLIO THE HEAD OF A FALSE CHURCH? – Ecclesia Militans and It Is Jorge Bergoglio Who Must Be Removed by the Church – Ecclesia Militans and It Is a Fatal Error to Say that the Heretic Is a Valid Pope – Ecclesia Militans and The Counterfeit Church – Ecclesia Militans and Rewind – What Is the Difference between the Conciliar Popes and Jorge Bergoglio? – Fr. Paul Kramer Answers – Ecclesia Militans and WHY DOES DR. MAZZA REFUSE TO DEBATE JOHN SALZA? HE DOES SO FOR GOOD REASON. – Ecclesia Militans and The Synodal Church Is a False and Schismatic Church – Ecclesia Militans and Rewind – The Conciliar Church Is a Transitional Church – Ecclesia Militans and The Eternal Hell Is a Dogma of Faith – Ecclesia Militans and Archbishop Vigano Declares That Francis Has Betrayed The Papacy and It Is Jorge Bergoglio Who Must Be Removed by the Church – Ecclesia Militans
Tony M
Great work @Live Mike. Keep it going!!!!
Klaus Elmar Müller
Pope Francis has just wished for his honorary primacy for all schismatics in his document “The Bishop of Rome” (June 13, 2024).
Live Mike
One is either part of the problem or one is part of the solution. "Were a Pope to commit an act of formal heresy he would lose his office and cease to be Pope ipso facto." If one is unable to follow this line of reasoning, then one is part of the problem.
It is a fatal error to assume that somebody is a public, notorious heretic. You have to prove it beyond doubt.
Another problem is the following: Vigano says that Begoglio is unique when compared to all previous popes. However, he is not when compared to JPII (scandalous acts and words smelling of heresy or even apostasy) or Paul VI (liturgical revolution against approved rites of all the Sacraments …More
It is a fatal error to assume that somebody is a public, notorious heretic. You have to prove it beyond doubt.

Another problem is the following: Vigano says that Begoglio is unique when compared to all previous popes. However, he is not when compared to JPII (scandalous acts and words smelling of heresy or even apostasy) or Paul VI (liturgical revolution against approved rites of all the Sacraments, pushing and authorising Vatican II which Vigano rejects and which is the "rock" the conciliar 1789 revolution is built upon).
Abu Dhabi and Abrahamic Fraternity have precedents in the spirit of Assisi and Astana, Pachamamas in Budda on the St. Peter's altar in Assisi, visits to the pagan sacred grove near Lake Togo, pagan temple or using pagan rites in the liturgy, the fight with the Roman Rite in its origin - the liturgical revolution of Montini and indultism of Wojtyla. Synodalism or even sovietism - as late Fr.Hesse named it long before the Bergoglian stage - started with Vatican II. And so on.
Boanerges Boanerges
No, God is not evil! God gave us the deceiver dressed in white to test our faith with the ways of the world to see if we will follow him and fall off. So, God will not punish those who remain faithful and who consider Bergoglio not a pope of His Church. After more than 10 years advancing anti-God agenda, destroying souls and His Church without precedent, to think that God would condemn those who …More
No, God is not evil! God gave us the deceiver dressed in white to test our faith with the ways of the world to see if we will follow him and fall off. So, God will not punish those who remain faithful and who consider Bergoglio not a pope of His Church. After more than 10 years advancing anti-God agenda, destroying souls and His Church without precedent, to think that God would condemn those who oppose such a destroyer is crazy and leads into believing that we have abusive Father (i.e. "you're damned if you follow Bergoglio, you're damned if you renounce him") and such people eventually leave the Church. And no, Bergoglio is not above God's law.
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Good read:
Pope Francis as Public Heretic: The Evidence Leaves No Doubt — by Dr. John Lamont
The big point is, that this old imposter is not heretic, but he is apostate from the time he returned from his unfinished doctoral studies in Germany.More
Good read:

Pope Francis as Public Heretic: The Evidence Leaves No Doubt — by Dr. John Lamont

The big point is, that this old imposter is not heretic, but he is apostate from the time he returned from his unfinished doctoral studies in Germany.
@@Bazsó-Dombi Attila
I am sorry but I do not read documents that try to prove heterodoxy or even heresy of Bergoglio using other heterodox documents (Fides et Ratio, Dominus Jesus, Familiaris Consortio et so on).
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
This is your dilemma?! Bad choice, because it's relevant by the logic of Ouroboros!