Gloria.TV News on the 22nd of April 2016 Power Plays: Cardinal Parolin has suspended a 3 million Dollars contract with the external audit company PricewaterhousCoopers. The company was hired for three …More
Gloria.TV News on the 22nd of April 2016
Power Plays: Cardinal Parolin has suspended a 3 million Dollars contract with the external audit company PricewaterhousCoopers. The company was hired for three years by Cardinal Pell the Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy. The Vatican gave unconvincing formal reasons for the suspension of the contract. The Catholic Herald believes that this is an attempt to force Pell out of his position and to replace him with an Italian.
Pope Francis For Trump: A Reuters/Ipsos poll shows that support for Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump among practicing Catholics has risen by almost 10 percent after Pope Francis suggested that Trump was not a real Christian.
Building Walls: Francis said in reference to Trump: "A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian.” Benedictine Father William Paul McKane, a parish-priest in Belt, Montana, who supports Trump, said the pope's comments …More
That's "fewer and fewer" seminarians, instead of "lesser and lesser". Otherwise, you're perfect. 😡
Buenos Aires Seminary was known to be a bad seminary already when good Pope Francis was archbishop there. If you want to know whether a bishop is good, don't listen to what he says, look at how many seminarians he has.
Fiel A Cristo
A disgrace to the Papal See / No more papolatry
Prof. Leonard Wessell shares this
I think Pope Francis is quite serious about his feeling on walls vs. fences. Please, let's stop reminding him of the walls around the Vatican or he will have them taken down - for himself and his predecessors.