
Abuse Hoax: The Fashion of Blaming Others for One's Own Problems

Myriam Remy, 49, a former nurse who spent just three years with her husband and two small children in the Community of the Beatitudes, is currently playing victim in front of the French regime's media. …More
Myriam Remy, 49, a former nurse who spent just three years with her husband and two small children in the Community of the Beatitudes, is currently playing victim in front of the French regime's media.
"My life has been shattered by my stay at the Beatitudes", she wailed to France3-Regions.FranceTvInfo.fr (October 25). The thinly disguised reason for the article is to adverits an organisation of alleged victims founded by Remy.
She throws around wishy-washy accusations such as “psychological hold”, “mental manipulation”, "sectarian aberrations", “living in a vacuum” or being cut off from the “outside world”, and claims to have “lost” her savings of €10,000 but then admits that she spent them on her children.
Remy, who was the community's cook now complains that the hygiene conditions – for which she also was responsible - were “absolutely not up to standard".
The Remys left the group in June 2002. Three years later, she filed a criminal complaint for "abuse of weakness and disguised work …More
She is presently under psychiatric care.
I sorry, I don’t mean to be uncharitable, but if her picture is any indication, her concern should actually be focused on another aspect of her physical reality…..just sayin’ 😐😳
"Karen" alert! 🤭 🤪
English Catholic
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Agreed. All these post-conciliar movements are houses built on sand. And those who get involved with them usually end up damaged. Look at the founders who have either been disgraced or removed: Fr Marcial Maciel (Legionaries of Christ); Fr Alfonso Durán (Miles Jesu) Jean Vanier (L'Arche) - I could go on, but I'm sure you get my point. There is also the damage done to the …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Agreed. All these post-conciliar movements are houses built on sand. And those who get involved with them usually end up damaged. Look at the founders who have either been disgraced or removed: Fr Marcial Maciel (Legionaries of Christ); Fr Alfonso Durán (Miles Jesu) Jean Vanier (L'Arche) - I could go on, but I'm sure you get my point. There is also the damage done to the followers of fake 'seers' and 'mystics'.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The Community of the Beatitudes is another "movement" founded in the wake of Vatican II. Fake religious life. It should be supressed, like most of the "Orders" founded AFTER and in the "Spirit" of Vatican II.
''Psychiatric care'' a code for being wrecked and hallucinating when intoxicated by the ''medication'' of certified psycho-drug dealers.