
Irish Dominicans Install Holy Communion Hole

The Dominican Fathers in Tralee, Ireland, hand out Holy Communion in their Holy Cross church through a plastic opening, reports TraditionInAction.org (July 26). This invention is a tribute to the …More
The Dominican Fathers in Tralee, Ireland, hand out Holy Communion in their Holy Cross church through a plastic opening, reports TraditionInAction.org (July 26).
This invention is a tribute to the coronavirus regime. The hole was designed by the Prior, Father Joe O'Brien (right picture).
This, at least, re-introduces an appropriate separation between the sanctuary and the faithful - albeit for the wrong reason.
From Bishop Schneider's recent statement about Eucharistic reparation:
"To say that the Lord is not suffering because of the outrages committed against Him in the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist can lead to a minimizing of the great atrocities committed. Some people say: God is offended by the abuse of the Blessed Sacrament, but the Lord does not personally suffer.
This is, however, theologically …More
From Bishop Schneider's recent statement about Eucharistic reparation:
"To say that the Lord is not suffering because of the outrages committed against Him in the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist can lead to a minimizing of the great atrocities committed. Some people say: God is offended by the abuse of the Blessed Sacrament, but the Lord does not personally suffer.
This is, however, theologically and spiritually too narrow a view. Although Christ is now in His glorious state and hence no more subject to suffering in a human way, He nevertheless is affected and touched in His Sacred Heart by the abuses and outrages against the Divine majesty and the immensity of His Love in the Blessed Sacrament. Our Lord has expressed to some Saints His complaints and His sorrow about the sacrileges and outrages with which men offend Him."
comfort ye
Ahh, if we think God cannot "feel", we must remember that we are the ones who aren't "real".
Many years ago at Orly Airport in France the Chapel was divided by a plastic screen separating those who had passed Passport Control and those who had not. There was a hole in the screen and the Priest would distribute Communion to those on the other side of the screen by giving in the hand to those who were on the other side by using the hole.
Wichita Knight
I saw something like this on the back of a 13th Century chapel in Switzerland. It was a hole through the back wall of the church, to one side of the altar, which the priest could use to deliver communion to lepers.
That's how we got our tacos from TB. Only they put the bag of tacos in a plastic box and handed the plastic box over to us. Treating the Holy Eucharist this way is a sacrilege. Pray hard for these priests.
Technically, this screen doesn't change the method of reception one bit.The screen is weird, pointless, panders to secular hysteria, but it still doesn't alter the sacrament itself in any way.
If communion in the hand is licit, and the Church assures us it is, then nothing's changed. If anything, this situation has a positive step. The priest is directly administering the sacrament the way he should …More
Technically, this screen doesn't change the method of reception one bit.The screen is weird, pointless, panders to secular hysteria, but it still doesn't alter the sacrament itself in any way.

If communion in the hand is licit, and the Church assures us it is, then nothing's changed. If anything, this situation has a positive step. The priest is directly administering the sacrament the way he should all the time.

The Eucharist isn't being distributed by the lay-people "extraordinary" (as in extraordinary every Sunday) ministers.

The problems are going to start when some traddie tries kneeling in front of that hole and opening their mouth. Then again, in such parishes, nobody's done that in years anyway. It simply "isn't done".

...kinda like goin' to confession. :D
Dr Bobus
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Smallpox – 95%
Ebola – 90%
HIV/AIDS – 80%
Bubonic Plague – 60%
MERS – 34.4%
Dengue Fever – 26%
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SARS – 9-11%
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Case Fatality Rates (cfr) of some well-known diseases
Smallpox – 95%

Ebola – 90%

HIV/AIDS – 80%

Bubonic Plague – 60%

MERS – 34.4%

Dengue Fever – 26%

Typhoid – 10-20%

SARS – 9-11%

COVID-19 – ~0.8-9.6