ChurchMilitant informed by en.news: A masonic communiqué informed its members that "Bro. Rev. Michael was installed and invested as Chaplain in each of the three lodges," adding that Weninger was "well qualified since he lives in the Vatican as a member of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue but works in Rome."
Weninger says he has presented copies of his book to Pope Francis, to …More
ChurchMilitant informed by en.news: A masonic communiqué informed its members that "Bro. Rev. Michael was installed and invested as Chaplain in each of the three lodges," adding that Weninger was "well qualified since he lives in the Vatican as a member of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue but works in Rome."
Weninger says he has presented copies of his book to Pope Francis, to Schönborn and to high-ranking officials in the Roman Curia. Schönborn responded with "Nothing but goodwill," he bragged.

Vatican Cleric Claims Catholics Can Be Freemasons

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Bp Schneider: Freemasonry = Antichurch
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