
Gays Hate Christians: Chick-Fil-A Abandones Christian Charities - Christians Abandone Chick-Fil-A

The fast food chain Chik-fil-A will no longer support the Salvation Army nor the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, after years of pressure from LGBT hate groups.

On November 18, the company announced that in future it will only donate to organisations working exclusively in the areas of education, homelessness and hunger.

Chick-fil-A is highly profitable and has expanded significantly in recent years. In 2018, it was the third-largest chain in the US by sales behind McDonald’s and Starbucks.
The Salvation Army is a Protestant thing: for us Catholics, it is not in our interest!
Gay marriage advocates in 2009: How does my gay marriage hurt you? We just want the right to marry.
In 2019: Mainstream Christian groups like the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes are anti-lgbt and we must boycott businesses that give to them.More
Gay marriage advocates in 2009: How does my gay marriage hurt you? We just want the right to marry.

In 2019: Mainstream Christian groups like the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes are anti-lgbt and we must boycott businesses that give to them.
They are not Christian either.
Michael Son of the Servant of John
I don't support the Salvation army either. They support abortion.
La mafia gay en acción