
Homosexualist: Jorge Appoints Jorge

Francis has appointed Bishop Jorge García Cuerva, 55, as the new Buenos Aires Archbishop, Francis's fromer diocese (May 26). Francis promoted him in 2019 as Río Gallegos Bishop on the edge of Patagonia. …More
Francis has appointed Bishop Jorge García Cuerva, 55, as the new Buenos Aires Archbishop, Francis's fromer diocese (May 26).
Francis promoted him in 2019 as Río Gallegos Bishop on the edge of Patagonia.
Already in August 2012, the homosexualist baptised the surrogate twins of the homosexual TV celebrity Roberto Carlos Trinidad.
In February 2021, García accepted a homosex pseudo-marriage which was staged in a church of his diocese.
His speaker stated afterwards, “We accompany all persons without exception in their legitimate desire to receive God’s blessing.”
In March 2020, García said (cath.ch): “I'm a fan of Francis, perhaps the most Bergoglianist' of the Argentine bishops!”
He admitted of being spotted negatively already as a seminarian: “I was forbidden to put up an image of Archbishop Romero, who at the time was considered by many to be a 'red bishop'...”
Picture: Jorge García Cuerva © wikipedia, CC BY-SA, #newsTjtybbjxnl
Jan Joseph
Iedere gelovige priester wil toch niet meer bij deze club horen!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Hmmmmm? Bergoglio is sick again.
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Yes, it seems like it. Weak imune system. Pray for his conversion? And for a good orthodox pope to succeed Pope Benedict XVI?
Clement Jaeho Chung
@John Fritz Logan we don't pray for this man's conversion anymore!! 10 years!! 10 years!! this crazy old man shows horrible things a lot!!! Orthodox Catholic People are must saying about Abdication!!!! we don't need any more pray for this crazy Tyrant!! we must saying about Tyrant's Abdication of Bergoglio!!!! it's so hard..I well know.....much pray it...I really hope your great Archbishop...Eminence …More
@John Fritz Logan we don't pray for this man's conversion anymore!! 10 years!! 10 years!! this crazy old man shows horrible things a lot!!! Orthodox Catholic People are must saying about Abdication!!!! we don't need any more pray for this crazy Tyrant!! we must saying about Tyrant's Abdication of Bergoglio!!!! it's so hard..I well know.....much pray it...I really hope your great Archbishop...Eminence Cardinal Eijk will get to Pope too...if Lord will choose to him..will be great.....or any Orthodox Cardinals will be Pope...really wonderful!!!!!
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori hello!! my friend...thanks for your kind comment...first...really thanks you pray for my mom's recovery....Lord helped to us..so my mom going to better way..after day...get to better..thanks for your kind message, prayer!!!! and do you agree...if Eminence Cardinal Muller will get Pope...totally better than this crazy old man...yes..I think so too!!! even though not perfect...…More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori hello!! my friend...thanks for your kind comment...first...really thanks you pray for my mom's recovery....Lord helped to us..so my mom going to better way..after day...get to better..thanks for your kind message, prayer!!!! and do you agree...if Eminence Cardinal Muller will get Pope...totally better than this crazy old man...yes..I think so too!!! even though not perfect...he many effort protect to our Orthodox teachings...in fact..I always see the Eminence Cardinal Muller...feels huge sorrow...be cause...he dose not have chance...worked with Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI..as Cardinal!!! even though very short time...but if He worked with Pope Benedict XVI..as Cardinal....it was really great...but sadly....he dose not have this chance....Bergoglio made him Cardinal....and fired....just 5 years...worked Cardinal...just 3 years...he has many effort...but I think main stream Catholic media ignore to him...so his power is small...but I am sure...Lord must will give for him...really huge gifts....Lord Knows his effort....and I think Eminence Cardinal Poli is a not to Bergoglian....I think Bergoglio hate him so much..so changed to Archbishop of Buenos Aires...if, if Cardinal Poli is a healthy...he is possible much staying longer...but now stop???? so horrible....Bergoglio trying destryoing to so many dioceses...include my diocese...I really worry it.....many talking sorry...our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family...all lovely people...Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us....Amen...take care...have a great day..have a great weekend too^^
John Fritz Logan
@Clement Jaeho Chung Oh I have prayed for an end to this 'pontificate' and for a legitimate Pope to restore the Church.
I pray daily for a conclave soon.
I think and hope that Cardinal Erdo will be the next Pope.More
@Clement Jaeho Chung Oh I have prayed for an end to this 'pontificate' and for a legitimate Pope to restore the Church.

I pray daily for a conclave soon.

I think and hope that Cardinal Erdo will be the next Pope.
John Fritz Logan
@Clement Jaeho Chung Also nice to hear fro you again, I really missed talking with you my friend!
Clement Jaeho Chung
@John Fritz Logan thanks for your kind message....yes..if, if Lord will choose to Eminence Cardinal Erdo(Archbishop of Budapest, Hungary)...it will be so great....but I think...your great Archbishop....Eminence Cardinal Eijk will be get to Pope's seat...it's wonderful too!!! I heard...he many effort protect to our Orthodox teachings...and he was a doctor...so against to all wrong Ideology possible …More
@John Fritz Logan thanks for your kind message....yes..if, if Lord will choose to Eminence Cardinal Erdo(Archbishop of Budapest, Hungary)...it will be so great....but I think...your great Archbishop....Eminence Cardinal Eijk will be get to Pope's seat...it's wonderful too!!! I heard...he many effort protect to our Orthodox teachings...and he was a doctor...so against to all wrong Ideology possible...anyway...just really hope Lord will choose to Orthodox Pope..fast time..really pray it....take care..God bless always^^
John Fritz Logan
@Clement Jaeho Chung Cardinal Eijk is orthodox and strong, I just don't think he'd be a good enough manager, but I suspect he is part of the group pushing Erdo.
I still serve as acolyte for tridentine mass in a parish church in his archdiocese.More
@Clement Jaeho Chung Cardinal Eijk is orthodox and strong, I just don't think he'd be a good enough manager, but I suspect he is part of the group pushing Erdo.

I still serve as acolyte for tridentine mass in a parish church in his archdiocese.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@John Fritz Logan so great!!! you have very great Archbishop....maybe I told you....now my Archbishop..Archbishop of Seoul...Peter Cheong..he is close to Bergoglio...and he allow to LGBT Ideologies!!! I hope tell again Korean Catholic situation too...Kenjiro...I told you....we have 2 korean offical Catholic Newpapers...they praise to LGBT Ideologies!!! they wrote...Lord Loves to LGBT...kkkkkkk....…More
@John Fritz Logan so great!!! you have very great Archbishop....maybe I told you....now my Archbishop..Archbishop of Seoul...Peter Cheong..he is close to Bergoglio...and he allow to LGBT Ideologies!!! I hope tell again Korean Catholic situation too...Kenjiro...I told you....we have 2 korean offical Catholic Newpapers...they praise to LGBT Ideologies!!! they wrote...Lord Loves to LGBT...kkkkkkk....so Terrible...in the past...Korean catholic church almost close to Orthodox teachings...I told you too...my former Archbishop..Archbishop of Seoul...Cardinal Andrew Yeom...he was much better...many effort to our Orthodox teachings..but now..hmm...I think Korean catholic church have orthodox group is very hard..so terrible....I am sure..great Korean Martyrs Saints crying now...they feels so sad...I think Japan is similar..and many area same too....just really hope Lord will send us real Pope, Orthodox Pope..Fast time....many talking sorry....our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family...all lovely people...Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us...specially Great Martyrs Saints of Japan and Korea...pray for us...Amen...take care...have a great day..Kenjiro..always I see your comment..very happy..learning a lot..have a great weekend..John...
John Fritz Logan
@Clement Jaeho Chung Yes, you told me. I google translated some of your links but it seemed like LGBT was just mentiond in synod reports, but that no solution was presented for them unlike with other groups.
It seems his orthodox predecessor really likes him (under whom he was an auxiliary bishop for many years) and I read he organised march for life stuff.More
@Clement Jaeho Chung Yes, you told me. I google translated some of your links but it seemed like LGBT was just mentiond in synod reports, but that no solution was presented for them unlike with other groups.

It seems his orthodox predecessor really likes him (under whom he was an auxiliary bishop for many years) and I read he organised march for life stuff.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@John Fritz Logan thanks for your message..John...really happy talking to you....now...Archdiocese of Seoul much allowed to LGBT Mass...so make me angry...yes...my Former Archbishop..Cardinal Andrew Yeom...he was not perfect...but he against to LGBT Ideologies, Wrong Abortion!!!! so I huge miss him.....I hope send to his strong message...against to LGBT Ideologies..2021 years..he wrote it..you can …More
@John Fritz Logan thanks for your message..John...really happy talking to you....now...Archdiocese of Seoul much allowed to LGBT Mass...so make me angry...yes...my Former Archbishop..Cardinal Andrew Yeom...he was not perfect...but he against to LGBT Ideologies, Wrong Abortion!!!! so I huge miss him.....I hope send to his strong message...against to LGBT Ideologies..2021 years..he wrote it..you can possible translate system...so read his great message...I think now..Bergoglio and Bergoglian destroying so many Orthodox dioceses....appoint to wrong bishop....now I think Orthodox group are going to underground Church...even though I have so many sins...I have so many faults...but much pray...Loyalty to Our Lord...many talking sorry...our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family...all lovely people...Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us....Amen...take care...have a great day..have a great Holy week season too^^.send to Eminence Cardinal Andrew's Message... catholic.or.kr/pro81/view?id=169130
John Fritz Logan
@Clement Jaeho Chung I translated it. Very good. But what do you mean with LGBT mass?
Clement Jaeho Chung
@John Fritz Logan it's means...wrong Western's area allowing to LGBT Mass...some Korean Parish...my Archdiocese....they said...LGBT people...welcome...Church welcoming to LGBT...participate to mass possible....it's now situation....Archbishop Peter Cheong allow it!!!! so terrible....I think Archdiocese of Buenos Aires will be same to Archdiocese of Seoul....I think Eminence Cardinal Poli is not …More
@John Fritz Logan it's means...wrong Western's area allowing to LGBT Mass...some Korean Parish...my Archdiocese....they said...LGBT people...welcome...Church welcoming to LGBT...participate to mass possible....it's now situation....Archbishop Peter Cheong allow it!!!! so terrible....I think Archdiocese of Buenos Aires will be same to Archdiocese of Seoul....I think Eminence Cardinal Poli is not wrong man...Bergoglio hate him...so he changed to him.....so terrible...so much pray..Lord please send us Orthodox Pope fast time....I am sure...if, if Bergoglio's time will be longer...we will have so huge damages...ah John...I hope share to Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani's Message...when Second Vatican council time....he wrote to his diary...(I pray to God that I die before the end of this Council, so that I at least die a Catholic..)now....Bergoglio's Synod worst than Second Vatican Council...so worst than council...so I think many Orthodox Catholic people are same to Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's feeling...so much pray...please before finish to this wrong Synod...we will get to real Pope, Orthodox Pope...Fast time....many talking sorry...God bless always you and all your family, lovely people..take care...I many annoying to you..really sorry..but I always learning a lot to you..and really happy hear about your opinion....
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Just me -You're correct in most of this post. But this time, I don't know why, but I think Pope Francis is on his way out. It might not be as obvious as the way JPII suffered, but I do think that he is going down. John XXIII died of stomach cancer, but until maybe a month before he died, people thought that he was basically fine. He still made appearances up until three weeks before he died. Then …More
@Just me -You're correct in most of this post. But this time, I don't know why, but I think Pope Francis is on his way out. It might not be as obvious as the way JPII suffered, but I do think that he is going down. John XXIII died of stomach cancer, but until maybe a month before he died, people thought that he was basically fine. He still made appearances up until three weeks before he died. Then, when it became extremely bad, the Vatican finally had to admit it.
Alot of people here, and on other sites, think Bergoglio has cancer. I asked my uncle, who is a Cardiologist, He's 51, and has taken care of many patients, even heart patients who also have cancer. Last time Bergoglio was in the hospital, I texted him, even though he and my aunt and cousins live in L.A.
He said that some cancers are very fast, others, like what Bergoglio probably has, is relatively slow (meaning a person isn't dead in 2 months like in some cancers). But he said when it starts advancing, infections (including respiratory infections that resemble bronchitis and/or pneumonia), and also sudden unexplained fevers are very common, and a sign of metastasis (spreading of the cancer).
I never like to wish someone dead, but it would be a great blessing if God took Pope Francis. His conversion is probably too late, and impossible, because today he just appointed to Buenos Aires one of the worst dissident, pro-homo radicals in the entire Argentine church. So, while people might pray for his conversion, I think its a nice thing to do, but too late. I think Pope Francis will be gone quite soon.......not soon enough for many! 🤪
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
To appoint so many pro-homos and radicals, Bergoglio must be a homo himself. I would not be surprised at all. I pray every day for the Lord to get rid of him one way or another. Possible, but not likely we will have a Catholic Pope next time.
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori No I don't think so. He is very Jesuitical and Latin American. I think it's a thing of cronyism and selective 'mercy' (corruption).
That's why he throws them a bone but plays both sides.
How Communists in the old days found homosexuals useful.
Btw, I hope you're doing well friend.More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori No I don't think so. He is very Jesuitical and Latin American. I think it's a thing of cronyism and selective 'mercy' (corruption).

That's why he throws them a bone but plays both sides.

How Communists in the old days found homosexuals useful.

Btw, I hope you're doing well friend.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@John Fritz Logan -Yes, I'm doing well, thank you! We're on "Spring Break" at the public HS I teach at till Tuesday May 30th. Nice break, but alittle late in the year since we're done for the Summer on June 17th 🤪 ! I finish out my 3rd year teaching. I love it, which is great, because many people hate their jobs. I got my M.A. this month too, which is a chore behind me now. Hope you are doing well too. …More
@John Fritz Logan -Yes, I'm doing well, thank you! We're on "Spring Break" at the public HS I teach at till Tuesday May 30th. Nice break, but alittle late in the year since we're done for the Summer on June 17th 🤪 ! I finish out my 3rd year teaching. I love it, which is great, because many people hate their jobs. I got my M.A. this month too, which is a chore behind me now. Hope you are doing well too.
About Bergoglio being sick again..... He's back in his chair again too. I don't want to speculate here, and be proven wrong, but maybe it's not something small this time. Some underlying reason??
Have a good weekend😊
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Glad to hear.
I suspect the underlying reason is cancer. My aunt died from it a little over a month ago. I believe Bergoglio trails her by a few months. I could be wrong of course. But many inside sources have been saying this.More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Glad to hear.

I suspect the underlying reason is cancer. My aunt died from it a little over a month ago. I believe Bergoglio trails her by a few months. I could be wrong of course. But many inside sources have been saying this.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Hey Clement!! I'm glad your Mother is doing better.
I agree with everything you said about Bergoglio. We need to be rid of him. I'm not going to speculate on what his latest illness is, because last time I gleefully posted that it was something bad, and he was out of the hospital in 2 days and back to being the heretic he is, making pro-homo appointments and promotions, like …More
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Hey Clement!! I'm glad your Mother is doing better.
I agree with everything you said about Bergoglio. We need to be rid of him. I'm not going to speculate on what his latest illness is, because last time I gleefully posted that it was something bad, and he was out of the hospital in 2 days and back to being the heretic he is, making pro-homo appointments and promotions, like he did just today in Argentina. A total disgrace and betray of the Catholic Church.
Whenever Bergoglio is reported as being sick, all the websites are on fire with gossiping and speculation about what he's got. Pro and anti Francis contributors will be on line all day.
I think I agree with @John Fritz Logan about the underlying cause of Bergoglio's illness. My uncle is a Cardiologist, but he knows about cancer and it's side effects, and ssaid the last time Bergoglio was sick, that fevers are common, and it indicates a process of metastisis. I don't know if that's what Bergoglio has, but it isn't good whatever it is.
I hope it's not sinful of me to say that I pray every day for a new Pope very soon, a Catholic who will cancel out all of Pope Francis agenda.🙏🙏🙏 I also believe what John said about Bergoglio being gone in afew months at most.
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I do think it was something bad. He was out of the hospital after more than 3 days and he had been taken there in an ambulance.
He was still weak and tired when he left and apparently they expanded his medical team in the Vatican according to inside sources,
The guy in Argentina hasn't been made cardinal. He succeeds Poli who will remain cardinal electors till november 2027. …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I do think it was something bad. He was out of the hospital after more than 3 days and he had been taken there in an ambulance.

He was still weak and tired when he left and apparently they expanded his medical team in the Vatican according to inside sources,

The guy in Argentina hasn't been made cardinal. He succeeds Poli who will remain cardinal electors till november 2027.

He used to be a moderate Bergoglian but it seems they had a falling out. This further spiying of Poli might have caused another defection amongst the cardinal electors who would chose a Francis 2.0.

I will pray for both of you Kenjiro and Clement, please pray for me also.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@John Fritz Logan -Thank you John. Yes, of course I will pray for you and Clement. And let's all pray that this time, perhaps the Lord will save his Church. (You know what I mean) 🙏 🙏