
Big Money Offered to Francis If He Engages in Vegan Fasting

An over-weight Pope Francis was offered “one million dollars to charity” by Million Dollar Vegan if he tries vegan during Lent.

Veganism is the quasi-religious practice of abstaining from the use of animal products, particularly in diet. The Orthodox Church gives up on all animal products during Lent.

Million Dollar Vegan explains that animal farming is a leading driver of climate change, deforestation, and pollution, themes that are crucial to Francis’ Pontificate.

Therefore, it called on Francis “to demonstrate leadership” on these issues by trying vegan for Lent.

The campaign is backed by many “celebrities” among them the ex-Beatle Paul McCartney.

Francis could accept the offer under the condition that Million Dollar Vegan – Paul McCartney included – do promote the Catholic Church during Lent.

Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-SA, #newsDcrcrpqyls
How many trees would have to be leveled to provide farm land so that humans could eat only vegetation, Mr. McCartney? And what about the poor life of the plants? Maybe we should go further and only eat that which has fallen off the vine. LoL.
Lisi Sterndorfer
Morgan replied to say: “Because I’m a Catholic and they’re taunting my pope! As a Catholic, I’m defending the holy father against this ridiculous taunting from radical vegans. They have no limits, these People. (Source: www.veganfoodandliving.com/piers-morgan-of…)
Sadly, it is Francis himself who invites such "taunting."
Well, when BerGOGlio really can not care less about the state of the Liturgy, or the statutes of Our Lord, OR the Traditions of Holy Mother Church - he must have a lot of time on his hands He can't be bothered about Our Lord's rules and regulations, clearly doesn't see eye to eye with His Gospel, and refuses to accept His Morality Code
Neither, of course will he obey all the previous Legislations …More
Well, when BerGOGlio really can not care less about the state of the Liturgy, or the statutes of Our Lord, OR the Traditions of Holy Mother Church - he must have a lot of time on his hands He can't be bothered about Our Lord's rules and regulations, clearly doesn't see eye to eye with His Gospel, and refuses to accept His Morality Code

Neither, of course will he obey all the previous Legislations Our Lord has revealed to the Church through all the previous Pontificates.

He needs to repent, resign and permit someone else to take his place on the Barque of Peter. Someone intent on adhering to (and being willing to advertise throughout the Nations) Catholic Doctrines. So that many led astray souls might see life eternal.

Someone like Jacob Rees Mogg perhaps?. Who unfortunately isn't a Priest, he's a Catholic Politician - but the law could be changed. Perhaps he could be PM if it can't! JRM does an amazing job of selling the Real Catholic Church to British people wallowing in 60 years of filth and desperate to find an excuse to come up for cleaner air!
Very outspoken in defence of his Faith, - in fact his Traditionally honourable stance is so refreshing that even the LIBERALS love him.

They dub him "the Conservative candidate for the 18th century."

I think Pope Francis should tell the vegans to keep their money and accept the challenge if they agree to say a rosary a day throughout Lent.
Peter ate fish and even pork
Hope he takes it and ruins his heretic health. We need Catholic leaders to sit on the chair of Peter
St Francis of Salerno was vegan. This unholy unSt Francis is unlikely to want to attempt any ascetic practice, but maybe some unbelievers could get him to do it