
Modernist With a Human Face Slams Francis' Anti-Mass Crusade

“Practicing ecumenism with so many Christian communities, sometimes severely impoverished of the core of faith in Christ, and not knowing how to dialogue and walk even with traditionalists [= Catholics] …More
“Practicing ecumenism with so many Christian communities, sometimes severely impoverished of the core of faith in Christ, and not knowing how to dialogue and walk even with traditionalists [= Catholics] is certainly not a sign of authentic fraternal charity,” Enzo Bianchi, former Boze prior not known for being a staunched Catholic, writes on VitaPastorale.it (November 2022).
He attests to Roman Rite monasteries' their love for the liturgy, fidelity to monastic tradition, and evangelical intention, and calls thriving French Le Barroux Abbey “a thriving community.”
“I confess that I found myself better among them than in some monasteries that claim to be faithful to Vatican II but live a non-monastic religious residence life,” Bianchi admits.
When Francis asked him in 2014 about "traditionalists," Bianchi replied that if they accept [failed] Vatican II, Francis' [discredited] Petrine office, and the [run-down] Novus Ordo then “let them live.”
For Bianchi there is so much tension and …More
Croí Láidir
This article is good because it reminds us to pray for the conversion of all and this certainly applies to those who have supported errors- knowingly or unknowingly.
Bianchi calls for "Eucharistic peace." The price of this false peace? That we "accept Francis' Petrine office." Do not fall for it. There will be "peace" only when that "peace" is according to the will of God.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio is an antipope. He is not lawfully-elected to the papacy, according to the requirements of the Apostolic Constitution Universi Dominici Gregis. The following site …More
Bianchi calls for "Eucharistic peace." The price of this false peace? That we "accept Francis' Petrine office." Do not fall for it. There will be "peace" only when that "peace" is according to the will of God.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio is an antipope. He is not lawfully-elected to the papacy, according to the requirements of the Apostolic Constitution Universi Dominici Gregis. The following site explains it all: Home | Antipope Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

Benedict XVI is still the legitimate Vicar of Christ, although he has stepped aside ordinary governance. In his absence, the Roman Curial officials that he appointed have the legal authority to run the day-to-day affairs of the Church. But nothing substantive can change in the absence of the Pope's signature.

Bergoglio's Curial government is as illegitimate as he is. All of them, including the Cardinals and diocesan bishops that the antipope has appointed have no governing authority in the Church.

But, do not worry, the gates of hell will not prevail, take refuge in Pope Benedict XVI. Pray for him in this time of need. We are in the times of the Apocalypse. Get serious about your Catholic Faith. Go to Confession weekly. Attend the TLM as often as possible. Pray the Rosary daily.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I read the major and minor premises of this piece Antipope Jorge Mario Bergoglio and I have one question. The piece sounds quite convincing, but I think they forget history. Unfortunatly, I think Bergoglio is legit. In the 13th century, Celestine V, a humble Benedictine monks, resigned the Papal office and retired to a monastery. Another Pope was elected while Celestine was still alive. No one ever …More
I read the major and minor premises of this piece Antipope Jorge Mario Bergoglio and I have one question. The piece sounds quite convincing, but I think they forget history. Unfortunatly, I think Bergoglio is legit. In the 13th century, Celestine V, a humble Benedictine monks, resigned the Papal office and retired to a monastery. Another Pope was elected while Celestine was still alive. No one ever claimed that the new Pope was illegitimate or an anti-Pope. Celestine resigned of his own free will. UNfortunatly, so did Benedict XVI.
The difference I think, is that if I'm mistaken, Benedict XVI did not totally renounce the Papacy, just the administration of it. Therefore, I don't understand why there was a conclave and election at all, since Benedict XVI did not totally resign his office....just the active pastoral governance and administration. Could not a group of Cardinals been appointed to carry out all that work, while Benedict XVI would just study the paperwork and sign off on them (or not). And perhaps he could have appeared for Masses and blessings.
It's all very confusing.....but I agree, a heretic like Bergoglio is not a legitimate Pope. Especially what he did to the Roman Rite. NO legitimate Pope would seek to destroy the tradition of his own Church....unless he is mentally ill, unbalanced, or an apostate heretic set on destroying the Church from Satanic influences.
I believe Bergoglio is all of this. And not legit.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I know I might have contradicted myself in the above...starting off saying Bergoglio is unfortunatly legit, and ending saying he isn't. As I wrote my post, I kept thinking of all the harm Francis has done to the Church deliberatly, especially with Traditiones Custodes. So in the end, I changed my mind. He can't be legit, having deliberatly attempted to destroy Catholic tradition, the Roman Rite, …More
I know I might have contradicted myself in the above...starting off saying Bergoglio is unfortunatly legit, and ending saying he isn't. As I wrote my post, I kept thinking of all the harm Francis has done to the Church deliberatly, especially with Traditiones Custodes. So in the end, I changed my mind. He can't be legit, having deliberatly attempted to destroy Catholic tradition, the Roman Rite, traditional religious Orders, new communities, and Faithful Catholics in general.
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori The current law governing the papal election is the key. UDG was that law in 2013 and still is the law today with some minor modifications by Benedict XVI right before he "retired." Historical examples cannot supersede the current law.
We seem to agree that Bergoglio is not a legitimate Pope. This is the most important thing. But people need to understand that Benedict XVI is …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori The current law governing the papal election is the key. UDG was that law in 2013 and still is the law today with some minor modifications by Benedict XVI right before he "retired." Historical examples cannot supersede the current law.

We seem to agree that Bergoglio is not a legitimate Pope. This is the most important thing. But people need to understand that Benedict XVI is still the lawful Vicar of Christ. He is simply "retired." In his absence and until a new lawful Pope is elected AFTER Benedict's death, the Cardinal's power is extremely limited. UDG explains what those limits are.

But we mustn't think that Bergoglio has any legitimate power to do anything he has done. He was not appointed to the Curia by Benedict BEFORE the "retirement." Therefore, Bergoglio has no lawful authority to do anything. This is important to keep in mind for those people who are wringing their hands that Bergoglio is "destroying the Church." No, Bergoglio cannot destroy the true Church.

Instead he is erecting the "Counterfeit Church." He will be very successful from a numbers standpoint. The number of souls who will follow Bergoglio to hell will be unbelievable. But you must understand, Bergoglio is the False Prophet at the moment. In the very near future, either he will morph into the Antichrist or his immediate successor in the Counterfeit Church will be the prophesied Antichrist. Yes, we are that close to the consummation of the Age.

The big picture is that God is in control. Read the parable of the wheat and the tares. God is allowing everything to happen just as it has because He needs to allow people to choose their god. Will it be the True God, the Holy Trinity of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church or will it be the god of Humanism, Wokism and Fraternity.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Dante Alighieri -Thank yo for your great post. I especially like your closing line " He can't live forever!". It sure feels like he's going to, doesn't it. All those rumors of his severe health seems to have been fake news. I remember in 2014 when I was a senior in college, I read articles that Francis canceled multiple audience because he didn't feel well. At the time he said he " had a feeling …More
@Dante Alighieri -Thank yo for your great post. I especially like your closing line " He can't live forever!". It sure feels like he's going to, doesn't it. All those rumors of his severe health seems to have been fake news. I remember in 2014 when I was a senior in college, I read articles that Francis canceled multiple audience because he didn't feel well. At the time he said he " had a feeling that my pontificate will be brief, 3-4 years and then off to the house of the Father." For whatever reasos....Bergoglio's still here. 😱
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Maybe this guy isn't that bad after all. It certainly looks bad for Francis and his trolls Parolin and Roche who likewise trashed the Roman Rite. Bianchi's comments will greatly strengthen those loyal to the Roman Rite and who love Catholic tradition. Francis is probably working himself up into a meltdown stroke over this news. Good Riddance.