
No Surprise: Covid Cardinal Falls for War Fake

Secretary of State Pietro Parolin expresses “dismay” at a "March 9 Russian bombing" of a Mariupol pediatric hospital, Ukraine.

According to VaticanNews.va (March 10) the airstrike killed “three people,” including “a child” and wounded “17 people, including doctors, children, and women waiting to give birth.” MoonOfAlabama.org (March 10), a moderate independent journalist, debunked the news as fake:

• The three-story building with more than 100 rooms was badly damaged, “How come that only 17 people were injured?”

• A CNN video shows the damage but no casualties and no traces of blood.

• A refugee said on Lenta.ru (March 7) that soldiers entered the hospital end of February, knocked down all the locks, dispersed the staff and set up firing points.

• March 7, the UN Russian Mission said, among other things, that “Ukrainian radicals” had “kicked out personnel of natal hospital #1” in Mariupol.

MoonofAlabama.org, “I leave it for readers to decide what really has happened here.”

Anti-spiegel.ru reports that many pictures and videos of the bombing show the same woman, a pregnant actress called Marianna. She is the woman lying on the barrier and also walking herself in different clothes herself the same way out of the hospital.

Futher, the Russian representative to the United Nations, Wasilij Nebensja, told the United Nations Security Council already on March 7 that “Ukraine’s Armed Forces kicked out personnel of natal hospital #1 of the city of Mariupol and set up a firing site within the facility.”

Jan Joseph
De aanval op het ziekenhuis was dus nepnieuws.
Angelo Clareno
What next, fake chimneys and fake gas chambers? We've been down this road....
Jan Joseph
We worden door de westers gezinde media weer belazerd.
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Nun-Physician Sues Washington DC for Refusing Mandate Exemption

Uh oh, this dear and learned Sister is going against Gordo's vax mandate.
it does smell fishy to me
She's an "influencer" on social media now turned crisis actress. The footage seems very fake and there are reports that the hospital was abandoned and in use by the Azov regiment for some time. Mainstream media poision as usual. There is no free press; only propaganda.