
Cardinal on Way To “Sanctity” Took Bribes from Legion of Christ

Argentina born Curia Cardinal Eduardo Pironio (+1998), a head of the Congregation for Religious, was declared “venerable” by Francis on February 18.

During his time at the congregation (1975-1998), the renovation of Pironio's private apartment was paid by the Legion of Christ, Jason Berry writes on NcrOnline.org (March 4).

This was during a time, when multiple abuses accusations had already been raised against Father Marcial Maciel (+2008), the Legion’s founder.

Bribing Vatican officials was Maciel’s strategy to gain influence. Pironio was a frequent guest at the Legion college in Rome.

Renovation of the cardinal's home was "a pretty big resource, expensive, widely known at upper levels of the Legion," one priest told Berry.

Pironio provided payback when he helped secure papal approval of the 1983 Legionaries’ constitutions, bypassing the ordinary process.


Jan Joseph
Dit zijn criminelen die de kerk beroven.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
My dog was more a venerable than this guy. More of a saint than Paul VI too.
Now, now @Prayhard there is a ton of pious art depicting Our Lord Jesus enjoying the company of children.
Obviously not the way this 'venerable' bribe taker seemed to be enjoying their company (Cardinal Pironio, now on sainthood path, received money from notorious abuser Maciel). Looks a bit creepy to me.
Generic photo of the guy. It isn't like he's got his hands down a blouse or doing a Biden hair-sniffing thing. Bias and what a person wants to see has a lot to do with what "looks weird" Seriously... it's pretty easy to find "weird" shots of Pope Benedict XVI. Now I don't for an instant believe Benedict was "weird" but it's easy to see how a photo can be misinterpreted.
Also a picture of him on some recent reports shows him enjoying having two little girls with him. It looked weird. I suspect that's why Francis made him 'Venerable' even though little boys is more Bergoglio's interest.