Gloria.TV News on the 31st of March 2017 Regime Catholic: Carrie Lam was elected the new Chief Executive of Hong Kong. She is a practicing Catholic, was educated by sisters, participates in initiatives …More
Gloria.TV News on the 31st of March 2017

Regime Catholic: Carrie Lam was elected the new Chief Executive of Hong Kong. She is a practicing Catholic, was educated by sisters, participates in initiatives of Caritas and, at the same time, most Catholics consider her as a puppet of the Communist regime in Beijing. Free elections have been held in Hong Kong only since Lam took over. Under British rule they were never allowed. No Sacraments: Anna Maria Traglia, a niece of Cardinal Traglia, who used to be a lover of the Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, has claimed that Castro died with the sacraments of the Church. But Anonomi della Croce disclaims – quote - "It is not true that Castro wanted the sacraments before he died." Downfall: The number of ordinations to the priesthood in France is dramatically shrinking. In 2014 the country saw the ordination of only 140 priests. Last year there were 100. Beauty: On February 26 the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X consecrated the altar of the chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. The main celebrant was Spanish-born Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta who lives in Geneva, Switzerland. Watch and enjoy!
Maudie N Mandeville
Carrie Lam, a 'Catholic' who Pope Francis can applaud.
No Sacraments: Anna Maria Traglia, a niece of Cardinal Traglia, who used to be a lover of the Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, has claimed that Castro died with the sacraments of the Church. But Anonomi della Croce disclaims – quote - "It is not true that Castro wanted the sacraments before he died."
It looks like many people prayed for Fidel Castro including me, a Pole from Canada...
God …
No Sacraments: Anna Maria Traglia, a niece of Cardinal Traglia, who used to be a lover of the Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, has claimed that Castro died with the sacraments of the Church. But Anonomi della Croce disclaims – quote - "It is not true that Castro wanted the sacraments before he died."
It looks like many people prayed for Fidel Castro including me, a Pole from Canada...
God have mercy for his soul...
His family -daughter lives in Florida and I think she is practicing Catholic herself
Many Cubans loved Fidel Castro who used the soviet system in his country but he was a believer
If I ask 1 bill Catholics what they believe in... many have no clue what God means or what is Catholic Church, including present pope Francis Bergoglio...
He is an incarnation of lucifer but bishops are silent when that Antichrist destroys Church as we speak.
Present situation may not last long....
What a beautiful ceremony by Bishop Galarreta. Catholic worship the way it should be! Thanks for uplifting my day, gloria.tv!!!
Holy Cannoli
No Sacraments or Castro had a Girlfriend: Anna Maria Traglia may be lying about Castro receiving the sacraments before he died. The brutal commie tyrant Castro may or may not have been reconciled with the Church that he so brutalized during his reign. We don't know. However, Anonomi della Croce can not be completely trusted for its accuracy. They recently said that the 4 authors of the Dubia will …More
No Sacraments or Castro had a Girlfriend: Anna Maria Traglia may be lying about Castro receiving the sacraments before he died. The brutal commie tyrant Castro may or may not have been reconciled with the Church that he so brutalized during his reign. We don't know. However, Anonomi della Croce can not be completely trusted for its accuracy. They recently said that the 4 authors of the Dubia will NOT issue a public correction of the pope. However, Cardinal Burke has said exactly the opposite. Are we to believe an Italian blog or Cardinal Burke? 😲
Just who is Anonomi della Croce?

In their own words:
Siamo anonimi non per vigliaccheria ma per un servizio alla Chiesa Cattolica nel nascondimento, affinchè risaltino i contenuti piuttosto che la nostra persona.
We are anonymous not out of cowardice but a service to the Catholic Church in hiding, stand out for content rather than our person.