Many faithful now attend the chapels of the St Pius X Priestly Fraternity, much like castaways in search of dry land, due to the serious crisis being experienced in the Church. But this is a mistake and stems from the confusion surrounding the real status of the Lefebvrians. The Daily Compass explains where the problems lie in a series of four instalments.

THE CRISIS OF THE CHURCH/1 – Frustrated by Rome, following the Lefebvrians is not the solution

Many faithful now attend the chapels of the St Pius X Priestly Fraternity, much like castaways in search of …
"confusion surrounding the real status of the Lefebvrians"

They were suspended because the "holy" destroyer of the ancient Roman Rite said so and they were schismatics because the "holy" Quran kissing younger brother in faith of Talmudic Jews said so.
Opera 369
Anything is better than hearing "Francis" in the Canon of the Mass. However, the writers base the article on old information. They neglect to say that the Superior General of SSPX, elected in 2018 has known (have been friends? not sure) that man dressed in white that calls himself Francis, since they were both serving in Argentina. The SSPX'S superior general also met with Bergo in March 2022, at …More
Anything is better than hearing "Francis" in the Canon of the Mass. However, the writers base the article on old information. They neglect to say that the Superior General of SSPX, elected in 2018 has known (have been friends? not sure) that man dressed in white that calls himself Francis, since they were both serving in Argentina. The SSPX'S superior general also met with Bergo in March 2022, at the Vatican. Not hard to imagine the reason. As Bishop Williamson, (the last real SSPX representative) often remarks: today's SSPX is no longer following in Lefebvre's path. The white octopus' tentacles reach far and wide....and of the over billion Catholics in the world.... no one has had the courage or the Faith to stand up and say: 'you are not a pope'!
Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis
Gas lighting the SSPX without acknowledging that the Lucifer controlled Masonic world power will not allow the Church to operate independently and that the Popes of Vatican II have been installed there to destroy the Church from within. This crucial fact is ignored. Is this historical reality so obscured that it cannot be discovered or is it to keep people in the dark? Any hierarchy who opposed this …More
Gas lighting the SSPX without acknowledging that the Lucifer controlled Masonic world power will not allow the Church to operate independently and that the Popes of Vatican II have been installed there to destroy the Church from within. This crucial fact is ignored. Is this historical reality so obscured that it cannot be discovered or is it to keep people in the dark? Any hierarchy who opposed this infiltration is kicked out. How long will Pope Francis last if, by God's Grace, he decides to revert this evil agenda. Vatican II is a new religion with a new definition of the Papacy.
Ivan Tomas
Hi Sito & bla di bla, can xou ask the Daily Compass to explains where the problems lies with Bergoglio and, in fact the V2 revolution?!
No he can't. For modernists experience is the most important thing. The experience of the crisis, for example.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
You've got to be kidding!!!!! So in other words, just stick with the degenerate, homo-infested Novus Ordo Church of Pope Francis because the SSPX is of questionable status? This B.S. of being loyal to or in union with "the Holy Father" is ridiculous, and a violation of valid thinking considering the daily demonic screeds spewing from Pope Francis as he insults faithful Catholics and our traditions …More
You've got to be kidding!!!!! So in other words, just stick with the degenerate, homo-infested Novus Ordo Church of Pope Francis because the SSPX is of questionable status? This B.S. of being loyal to or in union with "the Holy Father" is ridiculous, and a violation of valid thinking considering the daily demonic screeds spewing from Pope Francis as he insults faithful Catholics and our traditions daily, and is always devising new means to make life as difficult and as miserable as possible for us.
The SSPX, and any sede-vacantist organization which preserves Catholic Mass and traditions is the place to find spiritual respite in these times.....NOT sticking with the Novus Ordo Church of Pope Francis and his gay army. Who knows what garbage will come from his "Synod on Synodality". Does anyone expect faithful Catholics to stay with suffer the changes and accept whatever comes, even "gay blessings" just to be in union with the "holy father".
I hope not. Otherwise, the Catholic Church and its faithful has ceased to be the True Church of Jesus Christ, but rather it has become the "Cult of the Pope".
No thanks.🤪