Carlo Acutis and the Dangers of Saint-Propaganda

Essays and commentary from Dr. Kwasniewski on rite and reason, cultus and culture—eschewing political and ecclesiastical "correctness" in favor of the …
Juan Perez
pope Paul 6 was canonized => I'm having a hard time believing any modern canonization process.
Dr Bobus
The liturgy is the primary way by which the Church communicates with her people. The theme of those who want to destroy the universality (Catholicity) of the Church is Enculturation. This theme is communicated to the people by the enculturated (i.e. secularized) liturgy.
Nb: What is first in the order of Intention is last in the order of execution.More
The liturgy is the primary way by which the Church communicates with her people. The theme of those who want to destroy the universality (Catholicity) of the Church is Enculturation. This theme is communicated to the people by the enculturated (i.e. secularized) liturgy.

Nb: What is first in the order of Intention is last in the order of execution.
Dr. Kwasniewski traces all the apostasy and immorality of our present age to the changes in liturgy: from the (acoording to him spiritually healthy) Tridentine Mass to the (spiritually unhealthy) Novus Ordo. It seems to me a narrowing of vision. The present crisis in the world and in the Church has numerous causes and can be traced back to the work of the devil. The change in the liturgy, in my …More
Dr. Kwasniewski traces all the apostasy and immorality of our present age to the changes in liturgy: from the (acoording to him spiritually healthy) Tridentine Mass to the (spiritually unhealthy) Novus Ordo. It seems to me a narrowing of vision. The present crisis in the world and in the Church has numerous causes and can be traced back to the work of the devil. The change in the liturgy, in my opinion, plays only a marginal role in it. It was during the time when the Tridentine Mass was still celebrated in the churches that the faithful began their exodus. More under the influence of an increasingly secular society than because of the liturgy.