
Bishop Schneider Writes Prayer For Worldwide Chain of Atonement

Bishop Athanasius Schneider revealed on November 9 before Gloria.tv his plans to create a "worldwide chain of atonement" to apologise before God for "the acts of idolatry committed in the Vatican." …More
Bishop Athanasius Schneider revealed on November 9 before Gloria.tv his plans to create a "worldwide chain of atonement" to apologise before God for "the acts of idolatry committed in the Vatican."
With this, he also wants to express the pain and suffering of the faithful "over the dishonour thereby inflicted on our Mother, the Holy Church."
The prayer wants to implore God's mercy upon his Church. For this reason, "the devastation of the vineyard, which took place before our eyes, must be atoned for," the bishop declared.

Prayer of Reparation for the idolatrous acts during the last Synod for the Amazon
Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, receive through the hands of the Immaculate Mother of God and Ever Virgin Mary from our contrite heart a sincere act of reparation for the acts of worship of wooden idols and symbols during the Synod for the Amazon, which occurred in Rome, the Eternal City, the heart of the Catholic world. Pour out in the heart of Our Holy Father Pope Francis …More
comfort ye
Thank you so much Bishop! I have felt ill about all this and had just determined that I needed to spend myself in prayer somehow. Never have we seen such a blatant insult flung in the face of God as what has transpired with the blessing of this pope! We must rush to atone with great sorrow this atrocious parade of degraded acts.
God bless Bishop Schneider
Everybody - pray it now, at the computer. Then print it out.
When Arius argued at the General Council of Nice 325AD with the claim that Logos, Jesus Christ, is not God, then Saint Nicholas the Bishop jumped from the bench and hit him in the face with such force that the miserable heretic fell to the ground. Bishop Athanasius Schneider had the same opportunity when he met personally with Jorge the Apostate in the Vatican a few months ago, but he did not succeed …More
When Arius argued at the General Council of Nice 325AD with the claim that Logos, Jesus Christ, is not God, then Saint Nicholas the Bishop jumped from the bench and hit him in the face with such force that the miserable heretic fell to the ground. Bishop Athanasius Schneider had the same opportunity when he met personally with Jorge the Apostate in the Vatican a few months ago, but he did not succeed. He still hides his head in the sand, ignores the obvious apostasy of the Argentinean and makes us believe Catholics that this is our Pope.