
Serbian Orthodox: Đoković Left 2022 Australian Open Before Undergoing Force Vaccination

The world’s number one tennis player Novak Đoković was deported from Australia because he resisted forced Covid vaccination. Now he is OUT of the Australian Open.

He arrived in his native Serbia on January 17. It is likely that he will also be barred from the next Grand Slam tournament, the French Open. France is a rigid Covid regime.

Đoković recently went through a coronavirus infection. According to normal medical standards, he should be exempt from forced vaccination. But the Australian Covid regime made up a "public interest" and revoked Đoković's visa bringing up the conspiracy theory that Đoković's presence could stir up "anti-vaccine sentiments." Kicking him out was necessary to keep Australians "safe."

Đoković is a Orthodox Christian. According to his [Catholic Croatian] mother, he prays at least twice a day. In 2011 he donated $100.000 to the Gracanica monastery, Kosovo. One of his famous quotes is: “Before I am an athlete, I am an Orthodox Christian.”

The picture below shows him praying at a Serbian church with his son.


paul grech
Australia- kangaroo country with a kangaroo government and kangaroo courts!
가입을 원합니다
Australia is one of the BB (big beautiful) countries.
Rand Miller
Better to quit tennis than to take the death jab.
God bless him. May he be an example to all of us.
😇 🙏
Wilma Lopez shares this
Role model regarding vaccination
Good for him to stand up to dictatorship evil laws