
Paglia Calls Murder Law "Pillar Of Our Social Life”

Law 194, the abomination that made abortion "legal" in Italy is "now a pillar of our social life," Curia Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Academy Against Life, blathered to extremist Italian television RAI 3 (August 27, Video below).

Asked, if this law was “up for debate” like in the US, Paglia denied, “But no, absolutely not, absolutely not.”

The Novus Ordo bishops are so decadent that no outcry can be expected from this body.



Perfect representative of Newchurch. (Not the Catholic Church)
Credo .
Unfortunately, he is a member of the Catholic Church. That is the reality we all have to live with! 🙏
John A Cassani
Absolutely disgraceful. It’s no wonder they weren’t happy about Roe’s demise. They may have power, but they have no authority.
I was thinking of other descriptions. "Disgraceful" is a much better one.
Wilma Lopez
Cardinal Robert Sarah: "The Church is not made to listen, she is made to teach:she is Mater and Magistra,"mother" and "educator."While the mother listens to her child,she is first present to teach,guide and direct,because she knows better than her children the direction to take."-