German Theologians present Our Lady as vulva. "Fachschaft Theologie Uni Freiburg" is the students' council at the department Catholic theology, University of Freiburg, Germany.More
German Theologians present Our Lady as vulva.

"Fachschaft Theologie Uni Freiburg" is the students' council at the department Catholic theology, University of Freiburg, Germany.
WENN MAN ES RECHT BEDENKT! Ist diese Aufforderung eine Unterwerfung unter den Islam! Der Islam betet die Wulfa an, schwarzer Stein, Göttin Al-lath, ALLAH, Das ist eine Unterwerfung unter den Islam ALLAH!
Alle die sich der Vulven Göttin Al-lat unterworfen haben, haben sich dieser Göttin des Islams, siehe Schwarzer Stein Vulva unterworfen und sollten aus der katholischen Kirche ausgeschlossen werden!
Die Vulven Göttin Maria 2.0 ist die Göttin Nachäfferin der Muttergottes, Maria 2.0 ist Al-lath!
Hell is calling.
Alex A
Dogs all!!!
These satanic people love to mock Our Lord and Our Lady. They would be trembling if they knew what awaited them in the afterlife.
It was put outside a church (university church)
Evil is trying very hard ,but the war has been already won by Jesus
If I where German president, I would have army wrap this image around the heads of theologians, and have them thrown down the stairs of the university...
What if they showed an image of a penis and had and depicted a saint???
This is stupid post and should be removed
These German theologians are borderline mocking our lady...this image is sick and perverted!!!
One more comment from Lalanz
Is it just me or is this image disrespectful?
The Errors of Eve 2.0 is more accurate. Come to think of it, that should be the feminist's slogan.