
Francis Agrees with [Heretical] German Synod - Archbishop

The results of Francis' "democratic" ex-synod of bishops will be decided by Francis, writes Archbishop Héctor Aguer in a September 21 statement. Main points. ● Francis' ex-synod will suffer the contagion …More
The results of Francis' "democratic" ex-synod of bishops will be decided by Francis, writes Archbishop Héctor Aguer in a September 21 statement. Main points.
● Francis' ex-synod will suffer the contagion of the German "synodal way", which [- caution: understatement -] "reeks of heresy", and Rome is silent which means consent.
● The main themes of Francis' ex-synod are adulterer communion and more homosex (“I am not referring to the many ecclesiastics who are homosexuals”).
● Francis agrees with the UN's Agenda 2030, a project that urges states to introduce abortion and to pervert children.
● Argentine school materials teach children to masturbate, to use sex toys, to dress up as transvestites, to practice oral and anal intercourse, to believe in "sexual identity", to abort children, and to use chemical castration.
● Another agenda of Francis' ex-synod is to discard sin by condoning it and sympathising with it.
Picture: Héctor Aguer © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsPwzjdntpmm
Tony M
Let's get it very clear who Bishop Hector Aguer is and start listening to all he says about Jorge Bergoglio. If anyone knows Bergoglio inside out and back to front....it is Bishop Aguer.
Bishop Aguer's & Jorge Bergoglio's appointments as bishop's ran very closely both in time & geographically.
Firstly, they were both appointed Auxiliary Bishops of Buenos Aires in 1992.
Secondly They were appointed …More
Let's get it very clear who Bishop Hector Aguer is and start listening to all he says about Jorge Bergoglio. If anyone knows Bergoglio inside out and back to front....it is Bishop Aguer.
Bishop Aguer's & Jorge Bergoglio's appointments as bishop's ran very closely both in time & geographically.
Firstly, they were both appointed Auxiliary Bishops of Buenos Aires in 1992.
Secondly They were appointed as Archbishops within roughly a year of each other.
On 3 June 1997, Bergoglio was appointed coadjutor archbishop of Buenos Aires with right of succession. Upon Quarracino's death on 28 February 1998, Bergoglio became metropolitan archbishop of Buenos Aires.
On 26 June 1998, Bishop Aguer he was appointed Archbishop Coadjutor of La Plata. He took possession of the see on 8 September 1998. He became the seventh Archbishop of La Plata on 12 June 2000.Héctor Aguer - Wikipedia
The Archdiocese of Buenos Aires and the Archdiocese of La Plata are geographically very close.
Buenos Aires & La Plata are like twin cities......almost the same city. Go to google maps and you will see.
Whilst I was in Buenos Aires in November 2016, on a religious speaking assignment, myself and a fellow speaker were dealing specifically with faithful orthodox Catholics and they were saying that they had always seen Bishop Aguer as being the faithful and doctrinally sound archbishop, and that they had always perceived Jorge Bergoglio as the liberal left one.
Please listen to Archbishop Aguer on all he says about Jorge Bergoglio….he knows how Jorge operates….like he knows the back of his hand.
Tony M
As a follow on to the above.....please read this article written by orthodox Catholic Argentinian Journalist published on the dreadful day Jorge was supposedly elected. The Horror!
A Buenos Aires journalist describes Bergoglio
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This awesome Archbishop's words should be broadcast around the world for faithful Catholics. He is magnificent. So is the Primate of the POlish Catholic Church, and the Polish head of its Bishops' Conference who said Francis' synod could destroy the Church.
It won't do anything to the Catholic Church, if good bishops, Cardinals, priests, and ordinary laity just stand up and ignore everything that …More
This awesome Archbishop's words should be broadcast around the world for faithful Catholics. He is magnificent. So is the Primate of the POlish Catholic Church, and the Polish head of its Bishops' Conference who said Francis' synod could destroy the Church.
It won't do anything to the Catholic Church, if good bishops, Cardinals, priests, and ordinary laity just stand up and ignore everything that comes out of it, ignore every decision by Francis regarding it....and just continue along as faithful Catholics, as if this Synod never even happened.
Jan Joseph
God zal Paus Franciscus straffen.