
Fr Waillez Own Testimony – Victim Of ChurchMilitant? accused Fr. Benoit Waillez SSPX of covering up sexual abuse of Fr Abbett. Waillez wrote an answer to a friend, who allowed Benedict Carter to publish the text on Twitter (May 26). …More accused Fr. Benoit Waillez SSPX of covering up sexual abuse of Fr Abbett.
Waillez wrote an answer to a friend, who allowed Benedict Carter to publish the text on Twitter (May 26).
This is the statement – about visits to police stations, to Court, audio recordings.
Let us put things in context: some parents were staying at night on that floor, meters away from the boys’ dormitory. We couldn't imagine something so horrible would happen under the nose of the father of one of the victims.
When the 2 families approached Fr. Wailliez with the grave accusation, they only requested that relevant measures be taken so that Fr. Abbet could not possibly hurt children anymore. No one requested the SSPX to go to the police.
Parents came at night to speak to Fr. Wailliez about the grave accusations against Fr. Abbet. On the following morning, at 6.30am, Fr. Wailliez convoked Fr. Abbet in his office (and recorded the conversation) where he sort of half admitted to the accusation. At …More
Another round of name calling by Voris
CM has become nothing but a witch hunt against the SSPX. Only God, reserves the right to deal with the Bishops and priests. And Let the courts deal with the perverts. That is why we have laws in this country. Down with Church Militant!
Alex A
Who's doing the hating??? CM certainly hates the SSPX, for reasons unknown. I don't recall any adverse comments laid at the feet of CM following Voris's self expose. To the contrary, Voris was applauded at that time by all from the Catholic blogosphere. Many of Voris's current supporters as well as his own hierarchical staff, are exhibiting un-catholic perverse delight in the so-called expose of …More
Who's doing the hating??? CM certainly hates the SSPX, for reasons unknown. I don't recall any adverse comments laid at the feet of CM following Voris's self expose. To the contrary, Voris was applauded at that time by all from the Catholic blogosphere. Many of Voris's current supporters as well as his own hierarchical staff, are exhibiting un-catholic perverse delight in the so-called expose of SSPX. Where's the sadness for alleged fallen fellow Catholics? Do we forget the Church's teaching that we should 'hate the sin not the sinner'?
Church Militant is not Catholic. They promote the antichrist and antibiblical Noahide Laws.…/church-militant…
It’s unbelievable to me how much we hate each other.