
France’s Fight Against Home-Schooling Is Successful

For the 2022-2023 school year, the number of children educated at home has dropped in France from 9100 to 4000 (-43%).

This is the first inflection for more than 15 years, when home schooling was constantly increasing.

This drop is caused by repressive laws passed on the behest of the Macron regime.

Picture: © IowaPolitics.com, CC BY-SA, #newsGdgnkceilq
Roberto 55
Globalists don't need educated population=more stupid population is better for de-population.
In Nederland groeit Homescholing erg snel. Voor Frankrijk is het alternatief privaat onderwijs. Ook in Nederland groeit privaat onderwijs erg snel. In Nederland willen traditionele Katholieken private Tridentijnse Romeinse katholieke scholen stichten.