Gloria.TV News on the 25th of September 2014 Gay Personality of the Year: The Dutch television OUTtv, which focuses on gay propaganda nominated Pope Francis as media personality of the year. Francis …More
Gloria.TV News on the 25th of September 2014
Gay Personality of the Year: The Dutch television OUTtv, which focuses on gay propaganda nominated Pope Francis as media personality of the year. Francis became popular in gay circles with his controversial statement: "If a person is homosexual, seek God and good will, who am I to judge him?" OUTtv praises Francis for his conciliatory tone compared to his predecessors.
More on Cupich: Not long after recently nominated Chicago archbishop ???? Cupich became bishop in Spokane, the administration of local Gonzaga University gave permission for the controversial Vagina Monologues to be performed on campus. This was widely perceived as Gonzaga’s repudiation of former president Jesuit Fr. Robert Spitzer, who had refused such permission. In the uproar that followed the approval of the Monologues under the new Gonzaga regime, it came out that Cupich had given his own approval for the performance.
Ordered Back Home: The Chaldean Catholic patriarch of …More
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🤦 Content about Instrumentum laboris
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Vatican global discussion paper backs baptizing children of gay couples A new Vatican working paper which was the result of a worldwide survey of Catholics reiterates the church’s opposition to same-sex marriage but found nearly all Catholics thought having gay parents should not be a barrier to a …More
🤦 Content about Instrumentum laboris
See more at: www.gaystarnews.com/topics/Instrumentum laboris
Vatican global discussion paper backs baptizing children of gay couples A new Vatican working paper which was the result of a worldwide survey of Catholics reiterates the church’s opposition to same-sex marriage but found nearly all Catholics thought having gay parents should not be a barrier to a child being baptized into the faith A new Vatican report which will be the basis of a meeting of bishops in October has conceded that many Catholics now support the legal recognition of same-sex unions in countries where they are legal but reiterates the church’s opposition to such unions being recognized. The Instrumentum Laboris working paper will be the basis of the upcoming Synod on the Family which has been organized by Pope Francis I to revisit the Catholic Church’s position on a range of issues related to marriage, sexuality and family. -
Fiel al Evangelio
Don Gallo UN PAPA GAY SAREBBE MAGNIFICO Intervista a La Zanzara 06-03-2013
Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco who gives Communion to Marxist trans activist will participate in the synod Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco who gives Communion to Marxist trans activist will participate in the synodMore
Don Gallo UN PAPA GAY SAREBBE MAGNIFICO Intervista a La Zanzara 06-03-2013


Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco who gives Communion to Marxist trans activist will participate in the synod Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco who gives Communion to Marxist trans activist will participate in the synod
Maurizio Muscas
Que pena! Miserere nostrum!
Superbia mater omnium haereticorum
May God embrace you and make you a saint, amen gboy
Solo esto faltaba que se le llame la personalidad "G" 2014 🤒 🤒
Any person who grossly offends and ridicules the the Holy Father has to expect the severe chastisement of God on earth, and punishment in the world to come. In fact, ones faith to the Catholic Church can only be considered superficial who persist in attacking the Holy Father, His Holiness Pope Francis.
Jeez, talking about a copy paste machine, God bless you for repeating yourself a gazillion times, but by catholic law we are not to follow wolves dressed in sheep clothing. You want to follow an ultraliberal pope and his ultraliberal gang? That's your problem, I dont expect for you to stop your copy pasting as a matter of fact I can see you weepimg of joy when you heard 'who am I to judge' 'muslims …More
Jeez, talking about a copy paste machine, God bless you for repeating yourself a gazillion times, but by catholic law we are not to follow wolves dressed in sheep clothing. You want to follow an ultraliberal pope and his ultraliberal gang? That's your problem, I dont expect for you to stop your copy pasting as a matter of fact I can see you weepimg of joy when you heard 'who am I to judge' 'muslims follow your false traditions' 'Live and let live' 'We must leave old structures they are of no use' I use to be like that... but NO more, I will not follow a wolf... I expect for you not to change, that's fine you are free to do what you want more of your copy pasting and defense of the indefendible is expected... cheers.
Those persistent to asperse and ridicule His Holiness Pope Francis should beware, for if you have not already fallen into mortal sin, you are on the high road to it. These persistent attacks at Pope Francis are not in the spirit of Christ or the Church; they are reserved for those in opposition of the Church and for those in league with Satan. Catholics who are resigned to the will of God could …More
Those persistent to asperse and ridicule His Holiness Pope Francis should beware, for if you have not already fallen into mortal sin, you are on the high road to it. These persistent attacks at Pope Francis are not in the spirit of Christ or the Church; they are reserved for those in opposition of the Church and for those in league with Satan. Catholics who are resigned to the will of God could never commit such fearless resistance to the His Holiness the Pope.

Esto es vergonzoso para la iglesia católica y debería serlo a un papa que un grupo de pecadores empedernidos lo escojan como alguien a quien admiran no porque los ayude a ser mejores a acercarse a DIOS, a convertirse, a cambiar de vida sino porque los apoya en su pecado
Segunda vez que este grupo de personas que se enorgullecen de su pecado lo escogen como persona del año, no dudo que dentro de poco los reciba en el Vaticano con sus horribles disfraces, porque lo querrán coronar como esta gente acostumbra hacer con quien los apoya y encima del bendiga su bandera y sus disfraces
La Superestrella Gay del Año: La televisión holandesa OUTtv, que se centra en la propaganda gay a nominado a Francisco como la superestrella mediática del año. Francisco se hizo popular en los círculos homosexuales con su declaración controversial :"Si una persona es Gay , busca al Señor y tiene buena voluntad, ¿quién soy yo para juzgarlo?" OUTtv alaba a Francisco por su tono conciliador en …More
La Superestrella Gay del Año: La televisión holandesa OUTtv, que se centra en la propaganda gay a nominado a Francisco como la superestrella mediática del año. Francisco se hizo popular en los círculos homosexuales con su declaración controversial :"Si una persona es Gay , busca al Señor y tiene buena voluntad, ¿quién soy yo para juzgarlo?" OUTtv alaba a Francisco por su tono conciliador en comparación con sus predecesores..
Gloria.TV News on the 25th of September 2014
Superestrella Gay del Año: Francisco ha sido nominado por la televisión homosexual holandesa …
Wow rhemes you are on top of your game, and is not a game, Is knowing where to put thy feet in a path where heresies are so sublime and lies sprinkle with truth are everywhere... I salute you all rhemes, galahad and all soldiers of the apostolic truth!
@Galahad we might as well add this to {I never heard} eponymousflower.blogspot.com/…/things-never-se…
Francis became popular in Gaycirlcles! I never heared, that Saint Peter got popular in hell or in similar cirles!