During Francis' vespers on January 25, two women began shouting against the pope and were led out by securing.
Boanerges Boanerges
The false prophet is not tolerated by Catholics
Probably said "We are straight please give us your blessing"
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I hope they were traditional Catholica, and not femmists. If they were traditional Catholics, too bad there were not 10x that man, spaced out in the basilica so they couldn't be captured by security that quick. 😉
Fernanda Dellucci shares this
Durante i vespri di Francesco del 25 gennaio, due donne hanno iniziato a gridare contro il Papa e sono state portate via dalla sicurezza.
Questo è sbagliato e controproducente.
Erano contro le corride 😂 😂 😂
Problema da togliere il sonno 😂😂
What did they shout?