Gloria.TV News on the 19th of January 2017 An Omen? Yesterday, a powerful earthquake with eight aftershocks hit central Italy and was strongly felt in Rome where the metro system and schools were …More
Gloria.TV News on the 19th of January 2017
An Omen? Yesterday, a powerful earthquake with eight aftershocks hit central Italy and was strongly felt in Rome where the metro system and schools were evacuated. People ran in a panic from buildings. Not many paid attention to the fact that this was the old Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter, which Pope John XXIII removed from the General Roman Calendar and the Novus Ordo got rid of altogether.
Never Before: Italian seismologists stated that the intensity of the earthquakes, which happened in the time span between 10.25 a.m. and 4.15 p.m. local time, was a new phenomenon never seen before in recent history in Italy. At the same time the same area has been hit with the heaviest snowfalls in 70 years.
Vatican Gone Insane: LifeSite News published a list of the most insane things uttered by the abortion activist Paul Ehrlich who will be speaking at the Vatican next month. Among others, Ehrlich compared human babies to garbage and claimed that the …More
It’s not just Paul Ehrlich: Vatican also to host talk by radical Population Council
Lionel L. Andrades
"He called the Church a force of evil which we could agree upon in our days"
The two popes have got it wrong while an American archbishop and an Italian Vice Rector and professor of theology have got it correct.
Pope Francis and Pope Benedict are fallibly rejecting an infallible teaching by using an irrational premise while Bishop Thomas E.Gullickson and Fr. Stefano Visintin osb,Vice Rector at …
"He called the Church a force of evil which we could agree upon in our days"
The two popes have got it wrong while an American archbishop and an Italian Vice Rector and professor of theology have got it correct.
Pope Francis and Pope Benedict are fallibly rejecting an infallible teaching by using an irrational premise while Bishop Thomas E.Gullickson and Fr. Stefano Visintin osb,Vice Rector at University of St.Anselm, Rome have detected the irrational premise.
The two popes like Cardinal Muller for ideological reasons,it would seem, continue to change doctrine with an irrational theology to create magisterial heresy.

The two popes would also contradict the apologist John Martignoni and many Catholic priests in Rome.
People admonished a prelate who claimed the first set of earthquakes months ago, when the Pope was praised Luther as a sign of God's chastisement, would that make this set of quakes be a coincidence in the minds of his critics, or will they get the picture?
Lionel L. Andrades
"He called the Church a force of evil which we could agree upon in our days"
According to a spokesman of the Maltese diocese they are following the magisterium.So they give the Eucharist to the divorced and remarried who follow their conscience.
How can we cite the magisterium any more ?!.How can the magisterium be a criteria of what is Catholic? Can we depend on the teaching authority of the present …More
"He called the Church a force of evil which we could agree upon in our days"
According to a spokesman of the Maltese diocese they are following the magisterium.So they give the Eucharist to the divorced and remarried who follow their conscience.
How can we cite the magisterium any more ?!.How can the magisterium be a criteria of what is Catholic? Can we depend on the teaching authority of the present pontificate, to know what is right or wrong when the present magisterium is in rebellion with the past magisterium.It supports heresy in doctrine and discipline.
Holy Cannoli
Bishop Gone Mad: Noonan (the linked photo shows Bishop Noonan with pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes parish) has shown support for the controversial Our Lady of Lourdes parish in Daytona Beach, known for its pro-homosexual advocacy, and whose website states, “All traditions, religions, cultures, sexes, orientations, statuses, colors, ages, sizes are welcome here.” The parish includes outreach to LGBT …More
Bishop Gone Mad: Noonan (the linked photo shows Bishop Noonan with pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes parish) has shown support for the controversial Our Lady of Lourdes parish in Daytona Beach, known for its pro-homosexual advocacy, and whose website states, “All traditions, religions, cultures, sexes, orientations, statuses, colors, ages, sizes are welcome here.” The parish includes outreach to LGBT, divorced, remarried and separated people but no pro-life group, and yearly participates in the local gay pride festival.

Vatican Gone Insane: Ehrlich is not the problem. I would even go far to say that the pope is not the problem either. If this pope’s papacy came to an end, either by death, resignation or removal, he would be replaced by another Modernist who is equally disgraceful. Francis is only continuing and accelerating the progressive/heretical thinking that was spawned by the Modernists of Vatican II.

The problem are bishops like Bishop Noonan shown above. It's not just the American, German, Belgium and other European bishops––all of the bishops. Some, and only by comparison, appear less destructive than others (eg. Burke, Brandmuller, Athanasius Schneider, et al). But, not one of them appear to have the spiritual courage necessary nor do they see the urgency to openly, boldly and publicly correct the serious and ongoing errors of the Church. Until we see a group of courageous prelates step forward and advocate a return to the teachings of the Church during the days of St Pope Pius X, the Church will only continue to erode.

True, there would be a price to pay for those bishops who step forward to please Jesus Christ and not mankind. They would likely be quickly removed by the pope to some obscure position or location where they would not be heard from again (Moldova?). However, when faithful Catholics recognize that these men were removed for following the true teachings of the Church, other bishops who recognize that their current path will only lead them to perdition will follow in their path also. Then and only then might it be possible to see a change in direction. Remember who said ‘Malicious resistance’ to my reforms that ‘takes refuge in traditions’ is from the devil? Confrontation is not pleasant but, especially in this case, it's vital.
p.s. Frame choice is essential.
When the owner of a company is mentally deranged a custodian is taking care of the business, but a spiritually deranged pope is permitted to destroy the church.
Let us pray for intentions of Russia and conversion of the pope...
That is the best I've heard in very long time...just knockout
👍 👍More
Let us pray for intentions of Russia and conversion of the pope...


That is the best I've heard in very long time...just knockout

👍 👍