
Cardinal Müller: Archbishop Viganò Went "Too Far"

[Merciful] Pope Francis took “less than a minute” to fire Cardinal Gerhard Müller, 70, as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Müller still wonders why this happened. Talking to …More
[Merciful] Pope Francis took “less than a minute” to fire Cardinal Gerhard Müller, 70, as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Müller still wonders why this happened.
Talking to Trouw.nl (November 24), he guesses that his attempts to interpret Amoris laetitia “in an orthodox way” incensed Francis.
As a consequence of Amoris laetitia, communion for adulterers has produced “a great confusion in the Church right now”. According to Müller, this is due to a discrepancy between the Church's teaching and her pastoral action.
Regarding sexual abuses, Müller pointed out that 99.99% of such crimes are committed by married men while the alleged “abuse crisis” is exploited in order to abolish priestly celibacy, “It is like treating a patient after a completely wrong diagnosis.”
Müller also spoke about whistle-blower Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. He believes that Viganò went "too far" when he asked for Francis' resignation.
No Vigano did not go too far actually should be more Bishops like Vigano ,He will gain His soul
Muller will be proved "overwhelmingly wrong," Archbishop Vigano did not go "too far" in demanding the resignation of Pope Francis. Surely, Muller knows that resignations and firings are always the first step in cleaning up a crisis. Vigano uncovered the deep problems; provided the facts; and pointed to the solution. "Too far?" I think not. Muller is posturing.